


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      六、核應急演習演練、培訓與公眾溝通 VI. Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises, Drills, Training and Public Communication
      中國高度重視核應急演習演練,切實(shí)加強專(zhuān)業(yè)培訓,注重公眾溝通,不斷提高各級核應急組織應對處置嚴重核事故的能力水平,普及社會(huì )公眾核安全應急知識,營(yíng)造促進(jìn)核能發(fā)展良好環(huán)境,樹(shù)立全社會(huì )對發(fā)展核能事業(yè)信心。 China attaches great importance to nuclear emergency preparedness exercises, drills, training and public communication, and continuous efforts have been made to enhance the capabilities of nuclear emergency preparedness organizations at various levels to cope with nuclear accidents, popularize knowledge of nuclear safety and emergency preparedness, create an environment conducive to facilitating nuclear energy development and build society-wide confidence in the country's nuclear energy sector.
      組織實(shí)施核應急演習。發(fā)布《核電廠(chǎng)核事故應急管理條例》《突發(fā)事件應急預案管理辦法》《突發(fā)事件應急演練指南》《核應急演習管理規定》等規章,明確規定國家核應急演習方針原則、組織機構、內容形式、分類(lèi)頻次、保障準備、實(shí)施程序等。適應核能發(fā)展需要,定期舉行全國性核應急聯(lián)合演習;相關(guān)省(區、市)每2年至4年舉行一次本級場(chǎng)內場(chǎng)外核應急聯(lián)合演習;核設施營(yíng)運單位每2年組織一次綜合演習,每年組織多種專(zhuān)項演習,擁有3臺以上運行機組的演習頻度適當增加;核電站首次裝投料前,所在地省級核應急管理機構組織場(chǎng)內場(chǎng)外聯(lián)合演習。近年來(lái),先后組織代號為“神盾—2009”“神盾—2015”的國家核應急聯(lián)合演習,參演規模近6000人,日本、韓國、法國、巴基斯坦、國際原子能機構等派出官員、專(zhuān)家觀(guān)摩。 Organizing nuclear emergency preparedness exercises. The policies and principles, organization, formats, classifications, frequency, safeguard preparation and implementation procedures for China's nuclear emergency preparedness have been clearly defined in such documents as Regulations on Emergency Measures for Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants, Contingency Measures for Unexpected Events, Guideline on Emergency Exercises for Unexpected Events and Regulations on Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises. To cater to the needs of nuclear energy development, national-level nuclear emergency preparedness joint exercises shall be conducted on a regular basis; provincial-level on-site and off-site joint exercises for nuclear emergency preparedness shall be conducted once every two to four years by the relevant provinces (autonomous regions or centrally administered municipalities); operators of nuclear installations shall conduct comprehensive exercises once every two years and special exercises for different purposes every year, with higher frequency for those which have three or more generating units. Prior to the initial fuel loading, an on-site and off-site joint exercise shall be organized by the provincial-level nuclear emergency management organization where the relevant nuclear power plant is located. National-level nuclear emergency joint exercises with the code names "Shendun-2009" and "Shendun-2015" have been conducted and observed by officials and experts fromJapan, ROK,France,Pakistanand theIAEA, involving the participation of about 6,000 persons on the two occasions.
      建立三級核應急培訓制度。國家核應急管理機構負責全國核應急管理人員培訓,省(區、市)核應急管理機構負責本行政區域內核應急人員培訓,核設施營(yíng)運單位負責本單位核應急工作人員專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)培訓。福島核事故以來(lái),中國各級舉辦培訓班110多期,培訓近萬(wàn)人次。目前,中國核應急管理人員、專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人員均參加過(guò)不同級別、專(zhuān)業(yè)的培訓。 Establishing a three-level nuclear emergency preparedness training system. The state nuclear emergency preparedness management organization shall be in charge of training for nation-wide nuclear emergency preparedness management personnel; nuclear emergency preparedness management organizations at the provincial (regional and municipal) level shall be in charge of training for nuclear emergency preparedness personnel within their respective jurisdictions; operators of nuclear installations shall be in charge of providing professional skills training for their own staff in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. Since the Fukushima accident, China has organized more than 110 training sessions for different levels of nuclear emergency preparedness organizations, attended by a total of 10,000 people. China's nuclear emergency preparedness management personnel and technical professionals have all attended nuclear emergency preparedness trainings of different levels and disciplines.
      加強核應急公眾溝通與信息發(fā)布。中國高度重視核應急公眾溝通和信息發(fā)布,制定相關(guān)規定,明確公開(kāi)透明、客觀(guān)真實(shí)、權威可信、科學(xué)通俗的工作原則。各級核應急組織建立專(zhuān)門(mén)的核應急宣傳隊伍,適時(shí)向全社會(huì )宣傳國家核能政策、核安全政策、核應急政策,增加核能發(fā)展透明度,確保公眾享有核安全監督權、核應急準備與響應知情權。2013年以來(lái),以“共筑核應急核安全防線(xiàn)、共促核能事業(yè)科學(xué)發(fā)展”為主題,多次組織全國范圍核應急宣傳活動(dòng),國內外受眾面達到10億人次。2015年1月,利用中國核工業(yè)創(chuàng )建60周年契機,開(kāi)展一系列面向國內外的宣傳活動(dòng)。2015年12月,組織媒體走進(jìn)中國核電企業(yè),開(kāi)展“助推核能發(fā)展、助力‘一帶一路’”采訪(fǎng)活動(dòng),向國內外集中展示中國核電技術(shù)先進(jìn)性、核電安全可靠性、核電管理規范性、核應急準備充分性,產(chǎn)生了積極社會(huì )反響。各涉核企業(yè)、大專(zhuān)院校和有關(guān)團體還以各種形式開(kāi)展涉核科普宣傳活動(dòng),努力營(yíng)造安全高效發(fā)展核能的良好氛圍。 Reinforcing public communication and information disclosure about nuclear emergency preparedness. China attaches great importance to public communication and information disclosure regarding nuclear emergency preparedness by developing relevant regulations on the principles of transparency, objectivity, trustworthiness and scientific accuracy. Each level of nuclear emergency preparedness organization has established a special nuclear emergency preparedness publicity team to publicize national policies on nuclear energy, nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness to the public and to enhance transparency of nuclear energy development to ensure the public's right to supervise nuclear safety and access to information on nuclear emergency preparedness and response. Since 2013 a number of nationwide nuclear emergency preparedness publicity activities with the theme "Joining Efforts to Establish Defense on Nuclear Emergency and for Nuclear Safety, and to Foster the Scientific Development of Nuclear Energy Sector" have been held, arousing extensive attention both at home and abroad. In January 2015 publicity activities targeting domestic and foreign audiences were successively conducted by nuclear-related organizations to mark the 60th anniversary of the launch of China's nuclear industry. In December 2015 the domestic and foreign media were invited to visit Chinese nuclear power enterprises for the well-received campaign "Boosting Nuclear Energy Development for the One Belt and One Road Initiative," showcasing to Chinese audience the advanced nature of China's nuclear power technology, the safety and reliability of nuclear power, standardization of nuclear power management and adequacy of nuclear emergency preparedness, producing positive social repercussions. Nuclear-related enterprises, universities and colleges, and relevant organizations have conducted a variety of publicity activities in relation to the popularization of nuclear-related scientific knowledge in a bid to foster an atmosphere conducive to the safe and efficient development of nuclear energy.
      香港特別行政區、澳門(mén)特別行政區毗鄰廣東省,特區公眾和輿論關(guān)注內地核能發(fā)展。1992年以來(lái),粵港雙方針對廣東大亞灣和嶺澳核電站核應急事宜達成多項共識。國家核應急管理機構多次與廣東省、香港特別行政區政府組織宣介會(huì ),不斷充實(shí)粵港核應急合作機制內容,完善粵港核應急交流平臺,及時(shí)回應公眾關(guān)切,消除疑慮。中央政府有關(guān)部門(mén)還有針對性地與港澳地區相關(guān)部門(mén)聯(lián)合開(kāi)展各領(lǐng)域專(zhuān)業(yè)培訓,提高當地人員專(zhuān)業(yè)水平,為保持香港、澳門(mén)繁榮穩定作出積極貢獻。 As the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions (SAR) are adjacent to Guangdong Province, the public in Hong Kong and Macao pay close attention to the nuclear energy development in China's mainland. Since 1992 Guangdong Province and the Hong Kong SAR have reached consensus on a number of issues in relation to nuclear emergency preparedness associated with the Daya Bay and Ling Ao nuclear power plants in Guangdong. The state nuclear emergency management organ has, on more than one occasion, organized promotional activities in conjunction with Guangdong Province and the Hong Kong SAR to further enrich the contents of their collaborative mechanism on nuclear emergency preparedness, refine the communication platform for nuclear emergency preparedness between Guangdong and Hong Kong, and respond to public concerns in a timely manner to allay any misgivings. The relevant departments of the central government have held special training sessions focusing on various disciplines in conjunction with the departments concerned of Hong Kong and Macao SAR governments with a view to raising the professional level of the local public, therefore contributing positively to maintaining the prosperity and stability of both Hong Kong and Macao.
      核能安全利用是關(guān)系臺灣海峽兩岸人民生命財產(chǎn)安全的大事,兩岸雙方對此高度重視。2011年10月,海協(xié)會(huì )與臺灣海基會(huì )簽署《海峽兩岸核電安全合作協(xié)議》。在該協(xié)議框架下,兩岸建立核應急事務(wù)聯(lián)系機制,在核電安全法規與標準、核電廠(chǎng)事故緊急通報、核電廠(chǎng)環(huán)境輻射監測、核電廠(chǎng)事故緊急應變及準備等領(lǐng)域不斷拓展交流與合作,取得積極成效。 As the safe use of nuclear energy is a major issue bearing on the safety of both life and property of people across the Taiwan Straits, both sides of the Straits lay great store by it. In October 2011 the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits and Straits Exchange Foundation signed the Cross-straits Nuclear Power Safety Cooperation Agreement. Under the framework of this agreement, a communication mechanism has been put in place between the two sides across the Straits on nuclear emergency matters, and positive achievements have reaped in expanded exchange and cooperation in such areas as regulations and standards concerning nuclear power safety, emergency reporting on nuclear power plant accidents, environmental radiation monitoring for nuclear power plants, and emergency response and preparations for nuclear power plant accidents.
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