


      發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2016-01-27 13:35:56??|??來(lái)源: 中國網(wǎng)??|??作者:??|??責任編輯: 李瀟

      二、核應急方針政策 II. Guidelines and Policies for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness
      中國是發(fā)展中大國,在發(fā)展核能進(jìn)程中,通過(guò)制定法律、行政法規和發(fā)布政令等方式,確定核應急基本方針政策。 As a large developing country, China has laid down basic guidelines and policies applicable to nuclear emergency preparedness through enactment of laws, administrative regulations and issuance of government decrees in the course of nuclear energy development.
      中國核應急基本目標是:依法科學(xué)統一、及時(shí)有效應對處置核事故,最大程度控制、緩解或消除事故,減輕事故造成的人員傷亡和財產(chǎn)損失,保護公眾,保護環(huán)境,維護社會(huì )秩序,保障人民安全和國家安全。 The basic objectives of nuclear emergency preparedness in China are: scientific coordination according to law, timely and effectively coping with nuclear accidents, maximally controlling/mitigating or eliminating accidents, minimizing human casualties/fatalities and property damages, protecting the public and the environment, maintaining social order and safeguarding the people's safety and national security.
      中國核應急基本方針是:常備不懈、積極兼容,統一指揮、大力協(xié)同,保護公眾、保護環(huán)境。 The basic policy of nuclear emergency management in China is: constant vigilance, versatile compatibility, unified command, active coordination, public safeguard and environmental protection.
      ——常備不懈、積極兼容。各級核應急組織以“養兵千日,用兵一時(shí)”的態(tài)度,充分準備,隨時(shí)應對可能發(fā)生的核事故。建立健全專(zhuān)兼配合、資源整合、平戰結合、軍民融合的核應急準備與響應體系。核應急與其他工作統籌規劃、統籌部署、兼容實(shí)施。 -- Constant vigilance, versatile compatibility. Nuclear emergency organizations at all levels should stay alert and vigilant at all times in readiness to respond to possible nuclear accidents at any time. A nuclear emergency preparation and response system featuring coordination of dedicated and standby systems, rational deployment of resources, combination of routine exercises and actual emergency response, and integration of civilian and military resources is to be established and perfected. Nuclear emergency work must be planned and deployed in an overall manner together with other activities and implemented compatibly with them.
      ——統一指揮、大力協(xié)同。核設施營(yíng)運單位統一協(xié)調指揮場(chǎng)內核事故應急響應行動(dòng),各級政府統一協(xié)調指揮本級管轄區域內核事故應急響應行動(dòng)。在政府統一組織指揮下,核應急組織、相關(guān)部門(mén)、相關(guān)企業(yè)、專(zhuān)業(yè)力量、社會(huì )組織以及軍隊救援力量等協(xié)同配合,共同完成核事故應急響應行動(dòng)。 -- Unified command, active coordination. Operators of nuclear installations shall coordinate and direct on-site nuclear accident emergency response actions in a unified manner, and governments at all levels shall coordinate and direct nuclear accident emergency response actions within their respective jurisdictions in a unified manner. Under the unified organization and direction of the government, nuclear emergency organizations, relevant departments, relevant enterprises, professional teams, social organizations and military rescue units shall work in coordination with one another in a joint effort to complete nuclear accident emergency response actions.
      ——保護公眾、保護環(huán)境。把保護公眾作為核應急的根本宗旨,以一切為了人民的態(tài)度和行動(dòng)應對處置核事故。把保護環(huán)境作為核應急的根本要求,盡可能把核事故造成的放射性物質(zhì)釋放降到最小,最大程度控制、減輕或消除對環(huán)境的危害。 -- Public safeguard and environmental protection. Public safeguard constitutes the fundamental objective of nuclear emergency preparedness, and it is incumbent upon us to take the attitude and actions that everything is for the people in coping with nuclear accidents. Environmental protection should be viewed as the fundamental requirement of nuclear emergency preparedness in such a way that every effort is made to minimize the release of radioactive substances and do our best to control, mitigate and eliminate damages to the environment.
      中國核應急基本原則是:統一領(lǐng)導、分級負責,條塊結合、軍地協(xié)同,快速反應、科學(xué)處置。 The basic principles underlying nuclear emergency preparedness in China are: unified leadership, different levels of responsibility, tiered arrangements, coordination between the locality and the military, quick response, and scientific handling.
      ——統一領(lǐng)導、分級負責。在中央政府統一領(lǐng)導下,中國建立分級負責的核應急管理體系。核設施營(yíng)運單位是核事故場(chǎng)內應急工作責任主體。省級人民政府是本行政區域核事故場(chǎng)外應急工作責任主體。 -- Unified leadership, different levels of responsibility. Under the unified leadership of the central government, China has established a nuclear emergency management system featuring assignment of responsibility to different levels. The operator of the relevant nuclear installation is the major body of accountability for on-site emergency work. The people's government at the provincial level is the major body of accountability for off-site emergency activities in its jurisdiction.
      ——條塊結合、軍地協(xié)同。核應急涉及中央與地方、軍隊與政府、場(chǎng)內與場(chǎng)外、專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)與社會(huì )管理等方面,必須堅持統籌兼顧、相互配合、大力協(xié)同、綜合施救。 -- Tiered arrangements, coordination between the locality and the military. Nuclear emergency involves the central and the local, the military and the government, on-site and off-site, specialized techniques and social administration. Therefore, it is necessary to uphold the principles of uniform deployment and centralized planning, mutual support, mutual coordination, and comprehensive rescue at all times.
      ——快速反應、科學(xué)處置。核事故發(fā)生后,各級核應急組織及早介入,迅速控制緩解事故,減輕對公眾和環(huán)境的影響。遵循應對處置核事故特點(diǎn)規律,組織開(kāi)展分析研判,科學(xué)決策,有效實(shí)施輻射監測、工程搶險、去污洗消、輻射防護、醫學(xué)救援等響應行動(dòng)。 -- Quick response, scientific handling. When a nuclear accident occurs, all levels of nuclear emergency organizations shall be mobilized at the earliest possible time to rapidly control and mitigate the accident to minimize any impact on the public and the environment. Every effort shall be made to take into account the characteristics and rules applicable to nuclear accidents as the basis for organizing studies and evaluations to enable scientific decision-making, and enforce a full range of response actions in an effective manner, including radiation monitoring, worksite rescue, decontamination and cleansing, radiation protection and medical treatment, and so forth.
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