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      發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-09-29 16:43:34  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

      國務(wù)院新聞辦公室9月29日發(fā)布了《國家人權行動(dòng)計劃(2016-2020年)》,全文如下:The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China issued the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020) on Thursday. Following is the full text of the document.


      National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020)
      The State Council Information Office
      of the People's Republic of China

      目 錄


      導 言Introduction
      一、經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利I. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
      (一)工作權利(1) Right to work
      (二)基本生活水準權利(2) Right to basic living standards
      (三)社會(huì )保障權利(3) Right to social security
      (四)財產(chǎn)權利(4) Right to property
      (五)健康權利(5) Right to health
      (六)受教育權(6) Right to education
      (七)文化權利(7) Cultural rights
      (八)環(huán)境權利(8) Environmental rights
      二、公民權利和政治權利II. Civil and Political Rights
      (一)人身權利(1) Rights of the person
      (二)獲得公正審判的權利(2) Right to fair trial
      (三)宗教信仰自由(3) Freedom of religious belief
      (四)知情權和參與權(4) Rights to know and to participate
      (五)表達權和監督權(5) Rights of expression and supervision
      三、特定群體權利III. Rights of Specific Groups
      (一)少數民族權利(1) Rights of ethnic minorities
      (二)婦女權利(2) Rights of women
      (三)兒童權利(3) Rights of children
      (四)老年人權利(4) Rights of the elderly
      (五)殘疾人權利(5) Rights of the disabled
      四、人權教育和研究IV. Human Rights Education and Research
      五、人權條約履行和國際交流合作V. Fulfillment of Obligations to Human Rights Conventions, and International Exchanges and Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights
      六、實(shí)施和監督VI. Implementation and Supervision

      導 言Introduction
      2016-2020年,是中國全面建成小康社會(huì )的決勝階段,也是實(shí)現中國人權事業(yè)持續穩定有序發(fā)展的重要時(shí)期。The period from 2016 to 2020 is a decisive stage for China in the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as well as a major stage for realizing the orderly, steady and sustainable development of human rights in China.
      自2009年以來(lái),國家先后實(shí)施了兩期人權行動(dòng)計劃。中國政府不斷加大各項人權保障力度,人民生活水平和質(zhì)量進(jìn)一步提高,經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利得到全面加強,公民權利和政治權利得到切實(shí)保障,全社會(huì )尊重和保障人權的意識明顯提升,國際人權交流與合作不斷發(fā)展,中國特色社會(huì )主義人權事業(yè)邁上新臺階。China has implemented two national human rights action plans since 2009. As the government constantly enhances the protection of human rights, the people's standard of living and quality of life have seen further improvement, their economic, social and cultural rights and interests have been strengthened, their civil rights and political rights have been guaranteed, the public's consciousness of respecting and guaranteeing human rights has enhanced significantly, international human rights exchanges and cooperation have constantly developed, and the cause of socialist human rights with Chinese characteristics has moved up to a new level.
      但也應該看到,經(jīng)濟發(fā)展方式粗放,不平衡、不協(xié)調、不可持續的問(wèn)題仍然突出,城鄉區域發(fā)展差距仍然較大,與人民群眾切身利益密切相關(guān)的醫療、教育、養老、食品藥品安全、收入分配、環(huán)境等方面還有一些困難需要解決,人權保障的法治化水平仍需進(jìn)一步提高,實(shí)現更高水平的人權保障目標尚需付出更多努力。Nevertheless, we are keenly aware that problems, some of them serious, remain. China's economic development pattern is still extensive, unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable. There is still a huge gap between urban and rural development. Difficulties need to be solved in such fields as health care, education, care for the aged, food and drug safety, income distribution and the environment -- all of which are closely related to the people's vital interests. The rule of law in safeguarding human rights needs to be further promoted and more efforts are required to realize higher levels of human rights protection.
      在總結第一、二期國家人權行動(dòng)計劃的執行情況和實(shí)施經(jīng)驗的基礎上,依據國家尊重和保障人權的憲法原則,遵循《世界人權宣言》和有關(guān)國際人權公約的精神,結合實(shí)施《中華人民共和國國民經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展第十三個(gè)五年規劃綱要》,中國政府制定《國家人權行動(dòng)計劃(2016-2020年)》(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)《行動(dòng)計劃》),確定2016-2020年尊重、保護和促進(jìn)人權的目標和任務(wù)。Based on experience gained in the implementation of the first and second national human rights action plans, the Chinese government has formulated the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan) in accordance with the constitutional principle that the state respects and protects human rights and the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other related international human rights conventions, and in combination with the implementation of the Outline of the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China. The Action Plan defines the objectives and tasks of respecting, protecting and promoting human rights in the period from 2016 to 2020.
      制定和實(shí)施《行動(dòng)計劃》的指導思想是:高舉中國特色社會(huì )主義偉大旗幟,全面貫徹黨的十八大和十八屆三中、四中、五中全會(huì )精神,以馬克思列寧主義、毛澤東思想、鄧小平理論、“三個(gè)代表”重要思想、科學(xué)發(fā)展觀(guān)為指導,深入貫徹習近平總書(shū)記系列重要講話(huà)精神,按照全面建成小康社會(huì )、全面深化改革、全面依法治國、全面從嚴治黨的戰略布局,堅持創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享的發(fā)展理念,堅持中國特色社會(huì )主義道路自信、理論自信、制度自信、文化自信,將人權事業(yè)與經(jīng)濟建設、政治建設、文化建設、社會(huì )建設、生態(tài)文明建設和黨的建設結合起來(lái),堅持以人民為中心的發(fā)展思想,把保障人民的生存權和發(fā)展權放在首位,將增進(jìn)人民福祉、促進(jìn)人的全面發(fā)展作為人權事業(yè)發(fā)展的出發(fā)點(diǎn)和落腳點(diǎn),維護社會(huì )公平正義,在實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興中國夢(mèng)的征程中,使全體人民的各項權利得到更高水平的保障。

      The guiding ideology for formulating and implementing the Action Plan is as follows:

      Upholding socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implementing the guiding principles of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the third, fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, following the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of the Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on Development, implementing the spirit of a series of important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, following the strategic arrangement of building China into a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, advancing reform in an all-round way, comprehensively promoting law-based government, and running the Party with strict discipline, and sticking to the innovative, coordinated, green, open and sharing development concept. The Chinese government combines human rights with economic, political, cultural and social progress, ecological protection and Party building, adheres to the people-centered development approach, puts the protection of people's rights to subsistence and development in the first place, takes the people's well-being and all-round development as both the starting point and ultimate goal of China's human rights work, safeguards social fairness and justice, and better guarantees the various rights and interests of the entire population in the great cause of realizing the Chinese Dream of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

      制定和實(shí)施《行動(dòng)計劃》的基本原則是:依法推進(jìn),將人權事業(yè)納入法治軌道;協(xié)調推進(jìn),使各項權利全面協(xié)調發(fā)展;務(wù)實(shí)推進(jìn),把人權的普遍原則和中國實(shí)際相結合;平等推進(jìn),保障每個(gè)人都能平等享有各項人權;合力推進(jìn),政府、企事業(yè)單位、社會(huì )組織共同促進(jìn)人權事業(yè)的發(fā)展。

      The basic principles for formulating and implementing the Action Plan are as follows:

      Pushing forward the work in accordance with the law and bringing China's human rights work under the rule of law; pushing forward the work in a coordinated way, and promoting the comprehensive and coordinated development of the people's various rights and interests; pushing forward the work in a pragmatic way, and integrating universal principles on human rights with China's realities; pushing forward the work in a balanced way and making sure that all people enjoy equal human rights; pushing forward the work with joint efforts, with the government, enterprises, public institutions and social organizations working together to promote human rights.

      按照全面建成小康社會(huì )的新要求,實(shí)施《行動(dòng)計劃》的目標是:In accordance with the new requirement of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the objectives of the implementation of the Action Plan are as follows:
      ——全面保障經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利。普遍提升人民生活水平和質(zhì)量;健全公共服務(wù)體系,提升服務(wù)均等化水平;全力實(shí)施脫貧攻堅,實(shí)現現行標準下的貧困人口全部脫貧;有效保護產(chǎn)權;總體改善生態(tài)環(huán)境質(zhì)量;努力使發(fā)展機會(huì )更加公平,發(fā)展成果更加均等地惠及全民,使全體人民在共建共享發(fā)展中有更多獲得感。-- Comprehensively safeguarding citizens' economic, social and cultural rights. The Chinese government will improve the people's standard of living and quality of life; upgrade the public service system and ensure more people have equal access to such services; spare no effort in poverty alleviation to lift the entire population who live under the current poverty line out of poverty; protect intellectual property rights; improve the overall ecological environment; make efforts to give people equal opportunities in development, ensure that all people share the benefits of the nation's development more equally, and increase the people's sense of satisfaction in creating and sharing benefits.
      ——依法保障公民權利和政治權利。嚴格規范公正文明執法,維護公民的人身權利和人格尊嚴;提高公正司法水平,保障訴訟當事人獲得公正審判的權利;健全社會(huì )主義民主政治,暢通、創(chuàng )新渠道,促進(jìn)公民知情權、參與權、表達權和監督權充分實(shí)現。-- Protecting citizens' civil and political rights in accordance with the law. China will enforce the law in a strict, procedure-based manner, and protect citizens' personal rights and dignity; promote judicial justice and guarantee litigants' right to a fair trial; improve socialist democracy, clear and expand channels for citizens' participation in political affairs, and ensure people's rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard and to oversee.
      ——充分保障各類(lèi)特定群體權利。加快少數民族和民族地區發(fā)展;努力消除性別歧視;強化對未成年人權益的保障;積極應對人口老齡化;健全扶殘助殘服務(wù)體系。-- Fully safeguarding the rights and interests of specific groups. The Chinese government will promote the development of ethnic minorities and regions inhabited by ethnic minorities; endeavor to eliminate gender discrimination; strengthen the protection of rights and interests of minors; respond actively to the aging of the population; improve the service system to support and help people with disabilities.
      ——深入開(kāi)展人權教育。將人權教育與國民教育、全民普法相結合;弘揚社會(huì )主義核心價(jià)值觀(guān)的人權精神內涵,培育全社會(huì )尊重人權的文化。-- Conducting extensive education in human rights. China will combine human rights education with national education and nationwide education in spreading knowledge of the law; publicize the importance of human rights as represented in the core socialist values, and foster a culture featuring respect for human rights.
      ——積極參與國際人權工作。認真履行人權條約義務(wù),深入參與聯(lián)合國人權機制工作;廣泛開(kāi)展人權對話(huà)、交流與合作,向有需要的發(fā)展中國家提供人權技術(shù)援助。-- Actively participating in international human rights work. China will fulfill its obligations to international human rights conventions, get actively involved in the work of the United Nations human rights mechanism; conduct extensive human rights dialogues, exchanges and cooperation, and provide technical aid related to human rights to those developing countries that need it.
      《行動(dòng)計劃》由國務(wù)院新聞辦公室和外交部牽頭編制,經(jīng)國家人權行動(dòng)計劃聯(lián)席會(huì )議機制審核同意,現授權國務(wù)院新聞辦公室發(fā)布《國家人權行動(dòng)計劃(2016-2020年)》。Compiled under the leadership of the State Council Information Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and reviewed and approved by the joint meeting for the National Human Rights Action Plan, the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020) is hereby released by the State Council Information Office.
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      一、經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利I. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
      推進(jìn)精準扶貧脫貧,健全公共服務(wù)體系,穩步提高基本公共服務(wù)均等化水平,保障公民的經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利。The Chinese government is determined to press forward with precision poverty-reduction and poverty-eradication campaigns, improve the public service system, steadily enhance the level of equal access to basic public services, and protect citizens' economic, social and cultural rights.
      (一)工作權利(1) Right to work
      實(shí)施更加積極的就業(yè)政策,推行勞動(dòng)者終身職業(yè)技能培訓制度,進(jìn)一步完善工資福利制度和安全生產(chǎn)長(cháng)效機制,加強職業(yè)病防治。More proactive employment policies shall be implemented, a system of lifelong vocational skills training shall be promoted for workers, and a wage and benefits system shall be further improved, so shall a long-term safety production mechanism. Prevention and treatment of occupational diseases shall be reinforced.
      ——實(shí)現比較充分和高質(zhì)量就業(yè)。實(shí)施高校畢業(yè)生就業(yè)促進(jìn)和創(chuàng )業(yè)引領(lǐng)計劃。促進(jìn)農村富余勞動(dòng)力轉移就業(yè)和外出務(wù)工人員返鄉創(chuàng )業(yè)。對就業(yè)困難人員實(shí)行實(shí)名制動(dòng)態(tài)管理和分類(lèi)幫扶,做好“零就業(yè)”家庭幫扶工作。支持貧困地區建設縣鄉基層勞動(dòng)就業(yè)和社會(huì )保障服務(wù)平臺。實(shí)現城鎮新增就業(yè)5000萬(wàn)人以上。-- Ensuring a fuller rate of employment and quality employment. Programs of employment promotion and entrepreneurship shall be introduced for college graduates, and surplus rural labor shall be encouraged to seek employment in other areas, and migrant workers shall get help in starting businesses back in their home villages. People with difficulties in finding jobs shall be registered so that the government can keep track of their employment situation and give them help according to defined categories, with particular attention being paid to families with no one holding a job. Counties and townships in poverty-stricken areas shall be given support in building employment and social security services platforms. It is planned for a minimum of 50 million new jobs to be created in urban areas.
      ——推行勞動(dòng)者終身職業(yè)技能培訓制度。開(kāi)展貧困家庭子女、未升學(xué)初高中畢業(yè)生、農民工、失業(yè)人員和轉崗職工、退役軍人和殘疾人免費接受職業(yè)培訓行動(dòng)。到2020年,累計培訓農民工4000萬(wàn)人次,基本消除勞動(dòng)者無(wú)技能從業(yè)現象。-- Pursuing a lifelong vocational skills training system for workers. Free vocational training shall be offered to young people from needy families, people with junior or senior middle-school education, migrant workers, people having lost their jobs, workers with reassigned jobs, ex-servicepeople and people with disabilities. By 2020, it is expected that 40 million migrant workers shall have received such training, and the goal is to equip every worker with relevant occupational skills.
      ——進(jìn)一步完善工資福利制度。健全工資水平?jīng)Q定機制、正常增長(cháng)機制和支付保障機制,健全最低工資標準調整機制。繼續推行企業(yè)工資集體協(xié)商制度。健全高技能人才薪酬體系,提高技術(shù)工人待遇,落實(shí)帶薪年休假制度。-- Further improving the wage and benefits system. Efforts will be made to improve the wage-setting mechanism, the normal wage increase mechanism and payment guarantee mechanism, and the minimum wage adjustment mechanism. The collective wage negotiation mechanism shall be continuously implemented for enterprises; a salary system shall be improved for highly skilled professionals, the salaries of skilled workers be increased, and the paid vacation system be implemented.
      ——完善勞動(dòng)保障監察執法體制和勞動(dòng)人事?tīng)幾h處理機制。嚴禁各種形式的就業(yè)歧視,全面治理拖欠農民工工資問(wèn)題,規范企業(yè)裁員行為,保障非正規就業(yè)勞動(dòng)者權益,嚴格規范企業(yè)實(shí)行特殊工時(shí)制度的適用管理,依法加強對勞務(wù)派遣的監管。-- Improving the labor security supervision and law enforcement system and labor dispute settlement mechanism. Employment discrimination of any form shall be strictly prohibited. Measures will be taken to address arrears of wage payment for migrant workers, regulate layoffs by businesses, guarantee the rights and interests of workers informally employed, strictly regularize the application by enterprises of the special working-hour system, and strengthen supervision over labor dispatch pursuant to the law.
      ——加強安全生產(chǎn)防控。到2020年,各類(lèi)生產(chǎn)安全事故死亡人數累計降幅10%,億元國內生產(chǎn)總值生產(chǎn)安全事故死亡率累計降幅30%。-- Strengthening safety in production. By 2020 the death toll caused by industrial accidents of various types shall fall by 10 percent cumulatively, and the death rate from industrial accidents per RMB100 million of GDP shall drop by 30 percent.
      ——加強職業(yè)病防治。職業(yè)病危害嚴重的行業(yè)領(lǐng)域勞動(dòng)者在崗期間的職業(yè)健康檢查率達90%以上,用人單位主要負責人和職業(yè)衛生管理人員的職業(yè)衛生培訓率分別達95%以上。-- Strengthening the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases. In industries with high risks of occupational diseases, 90 percent and above of relevant workers shall receive special health checkups, and 95 percent and above of persons in charge of businesses and occupational health managerial staff shall receive the required training.
      (二)基本生活水準權利(2) Right to basic living standards
      全力實(shí)施脫貧攻堅,保障居民基本住房、用水、食品安全和出行便利。Full efforts shall be made to reduce poverty, and ensure basic housing, clean water, food security, and convenient transportation.
      ——確保城鄉居民收入增長(cháng)與經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)同步。到2020年國內生產(chǎn)總值和城鄉居民人均收入比2010年翻一番。努力增加低收入勞動(dòng)者收入,擴大中等收入者比重。-- Ensuring the increase of rural and urban residents' income in step with economic growth. By 2020 China's GDP and the per-capita income of urban and rural residents shall both double that of 2010. Efforts shall be made to increase the income of low-income earners, and enlarge the ranks of middle-income earners.
      ——貫徹落實(shí)《中共中央國務(wù)院關(guān)于打贏(yíng)脫貧攻堅戰的決定》,實(shí)施精準扶貧精準脫貧方略。到2020年,實(shí)現特色產(chǎn)業(yè)脫貧3000萬(wàn)人,轉移就業(yè)脫貧1000萬(wàn)人,實(shí)施易地扶貧搬遷1000萬(wàn)人,對其余完全或部分喪失勞動(dòng)能力的貧困人口實(shí)行社保政策兜底脫貧2000萬(wàn)人。實(shí)現現行標準下的農村貧困人口全部脫貧,貧困縣全部摘帽。-- Implementing the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Eradicating Poverty in China, and implementing the strategy of precision poverty-reduction and poverty-eradication. By 2020 some 30 million people shall be lifted out of poverty by way of developing specialty industries, 10 million by way of transfer employment, 10 million by relocation to other areas, and the remaining 20 million, who have partially or completely lost the ability to work, shall be covered by social security. In this way the whole of the impoverished rural population according to the current standards shall be lifted out of poverty and no county will be called a "poverty county" by then.
      ——保障住房安全。改造各類(lèi)城鎮棚戶(hù)區住房2000萬(wàn)套,加強對貧困地區的支持,推動(dòng)居住證持有人享有與當地戶(hù)籍人口同等的住房保障權利。推進(jìn)農村危房改造,統籌開(kāi)展農房抗震改造,基本完成存量危房改造任務(wù)。-- Ensuring housing security. A total of 20 million units of housing in rundown urban areas shall be rebuilt, support strengthened to poor areas, and holders of residence permits ensured equal basic housing rights with locally registered residents. Efforts shall be made to press forward with renovation of dilapidated housing in rural areas, carry out anti-earthquake reinforcement projects for rural housing, and basically complete the renovation of registered dilapidated housing.
      ——保障用水安全。全國新增供水能力270億立方米,城鎮供水水源地水質(zhì)全面達標。實(shí)施農村飲水安全鞏固提升工程,農村自來(lái)水普及率達80%以上,農村集中供水率達85%以上。-- Ensuring access to safe water. A total of 27 billion cu m of water supply capacity will be added nationwide on the current basis, and all urban water-supply sources shall meet the required standards. Efforts shall be made to improve drinking water security in rural areas, where 80 percent of the population shall have access to tap water, and 85 percent to centralized water supply.
      ——確保食品安全。深入貫徹實(shí)施食品安全法,全面落實(shí)食品安全屬地監管責任。加強進(jìn)口食品安全監管。實(shí)施科學(xué)監管,建立職業(yè)化檢查員隊伍。健全食品安全信用體系,完善消費者權益保護機制。-- Ensuring food safety. The Food Safety Law shall be strictly enforced, and supervisory organs shall be held responsible for food safety in areas under their respective jurisdiction. Food safety supervision shall be strengthened on imported foodstuffs, and through the building of a professional team of food-safety inspectors, the supervision shall be made more effective. The system of food-safety credit shall be improved, so shall the mechanisms of protection of consumers' rights and interests.
      ——改善城鄉居民出行條件。國家高速公路主線(xiàn)基本貫通。具備條件的縣城通二級及以上公路,鄉鎮和建制村通硬化路、通客車(chē)。-- Improving the transportation network. A network of national trunk expressways shall be basically put in place. Where conditions permit, county seats shall have access to highways of Grade II and above, and townships and administrative villages have tarmac or cement roads and complete access to bus services.
      (三)社會(huì )保障權利(3) Right to social security
      完善社會(huì )保險體系,推進(jìn)城鄉社會(huì )救助體系建設,支持社會(huì )福利和慈善事業(yè)發(fā)展。The social insurance system shall be improved, establishment of a social relief system covering urban and rural areas shall be promoted, and support shall be given to the development of social welfare and charity undertakings.
      ——實(shí)施全民參保計劃,穩步提高社會(huì )保障統籌層次和水平。建立更加便捷的社會(huì )保險轉移接續機制。實(shí)施社會(huì )保障卡工程,持卡人口覆蓋率達到90%。-- Implementing full coverage of social insurance, and steadily raising the level of social security pooling. A more convenient social insurance transfer and renewal mechanism shall be established, and the system of social security card shall be implemented to ensure that 90 percent of the population enjoys social security coverage.
      ——完善統賬結合的城鎮職工基本養老保險制度,實(shí)現職工基礎養老金全國統籌,推出稅收遞延型養老保險。到2020年,符合參保條件的城鄉居民參保率達到95%。-- Improving the basic old-age insurance system that combines social pooling and personal accounts for urban workers and endeavoring to materialize nationwide pooling for basic old-age pensions for urban workers, and introducing tax-deferred retirement insurance. By 2020 some 95 percent of eligible urban and rural residents shall be covered by the basic old-age insurance.
      ——健全醫療保險制度。城鄉醫保參保率穩定在95%以上。全面實(shí)施城鄉居民大病保險制度。健全醫療保險穩定可持續籌資和報銷(xiāo)比例調整機制。加快推進(jìn)基本醫保全國聯(lián)網(wǎng)和異地就醫結算,實(shí)現符合轉診規定的異地就醫住院費用直接結算。將生育保險和基本醫療保險合并實(shí)施。-- Improving the medical insurance system. The coverage of medical insurance in urban and rural areas shall be stabilized at above 95 percent. A critical illness insurance system shall be continuously carried out for urban and rural residents, and mechanisms for steady and sustainable financing of the medical insurance and for adjusting medical care reimbursement rates shall be improved. Steps shall be quickened to promote the establishment of a nationwide network for basic medical insurance and trans-regional settlement of medical insurance accounts, so in-patient and out-patient medical expenses can be settled in the place of treatment if the patients meet the requirements for referral, despite having local coverage. The state shall integrate maternity insurance with basic medical insurance.
      ——繼續擴大失業(yè)保險覆蓋面,確保為符合條件的失業(yè)人員按時(shí)足額發(fā)放失業(yè)保險金并提供相關(guān)的再就業(yè)服務(wù)。-- Further expanding the coverage of unemployment insurance, and ensuring that eligible unemployed persons receive unemployment insurance benefits in full and in a timely manner, and that they have access to relevant re-employment services.
      ——全面實(shí)施工傷保險省級統籌,強化工傷保險待遇支付保障,制定工傷預防費使用管理辦法,完善工傷康復服務(wù)體系。到2020年,基本實(shí)現工傷保險法定人群全覆蓋。-- Implementing provincial-level unified pooling of funds for work-related injury insurance, guaranteeing that the insured receive compensation when applicable, formulating regulations on the use and management of funds for prevention of work-related injury, and improving the system of rehabilitation services for work-related injuries. By 2020 work-related injury insurance shall be extended to cover all eligible workers as prescribed by the law.
      ——統籌推進(jìn)城鄉社會(huì )救助體系建設。將所有符合低保條件的貧困家庭納入低保范圍。進(jìn)一步健全特困人員救助供養制度,提升特困人員救助供養水平。全面實(shí)施臨時(shí)救助制度,全面推開(kāi)“救急難”工作。加強基層未成年人保護服務(wù)設施和流浪乞討救助管理機構建設。-- Pressing forward in coordinated manner the building of an urban-rural social relief system. All eligible families shall be brought into the coverage of the subsistence allowance system. The relief and support system for people living in dire poverty shall be further improved and the level of relief and support shall be raised. The system of temporary rescue shall be comprehensively implemented to provide timely help to those in urgent needs. Building of service facilities for the protection of minors shall be strengthened, so shall organs for the relief and management of vagrants and beggars, both at the grassroots.
      ——健全自然災害救助體系,調整完善自然災害生活救助政策,實(shí)施全國自然災害救助物資儲備體系建設等重大項目。-- Improving the natural disaster relief system, and adjusting and improving the relief policies in the wake of natural disasters. A national natural-disaster relief supplies reserve system shall be launched.
      ——健全以扶老、助殘、愛(ài)幼、濟困為重點(diǎn)的社會(huì )福利制度,加強福利設施建設。-- Improving the social welfare system with focus on supporting the elderly, disabled, children, and needy, and strengthening the building of welfare facilities.
      ——實(shí)施慈善法,支持慈善事業(yè)發(fā)展。-- Enacting the Charity Law, and supporting the development of charities.
      ——落實(shí)國務(wù)院戶(hù)籍制度改革方案,取消農業(yè)戶(hù)口與非農業(yè)戶(hù)口性質(zhì)區分,建立城鄉統一的戶(hù)籍登記制度。全面實(shí)施居住證暫行條例,推進(jìn)居住證制度覆蓋全部未落戶(hù)城鎮常住人口。促進(jìn)公民平等發(fā)展、共享成果,享受均等化的社會(huì )保障。-- Implementing the State Council's reform program of the household registration system, and establishing a unified urban-rural household registration system featuring the removal of difference between agricultural and non-agricultural household registration. The Interim Regulations on Residence Permits shall be implemented, and the system of residence permit shall be extended to cover all permanent urban residents that have not yet had their household registration. Equal development shall be promoted for citizens, making them share the benefits of development equally and have equal access to social security.
      (四)財產(chǎn)權利(4) Right to property
      健全歸屬清晰、權責明確、保護嚴格、流轉順暢的現代產(chǎn)權制度,推進(jìn)產(chǎn)權保護法治化。Establishing and improving a modern property-right system featuring clear ownership, clearly defined rights and obligations, rigorous protection, and easy transfer, and pressing forward with protection of people's property rights in accordance with the law.
      ——有序推進(jìn)民法典編纂工作,完善財產(chǎn)保障制度。-- Forging ahead with the compilation of the Civil Law Code in an orderly manner and improving the system of property protection.
      ——推動(dòng)土地管理法修改及其配套法規立法工作。對農村集體所有土地征收、集體經(jīng)營(yíng)性建設用地入市、宅基地管理、不動(dòng)產(chǎn)權屬調處等制度進(jìn)行積極探索,適時(shí)開(kāi)展立法研究工作。-- Pressing forward with the amendment of the Land Administration Law and enactment of supporting laws and regulations. Proactive exploration shall be conducted on such systems as expropriation of rural collectively owned land, marketization of collectively owned rural profit-oriented construction land, management of homestead land, and the adjustment and handling of real estate ownership, and studies on legislation be started at the right time.
      ——完成農村承包經(jīng)營(yíng)地、宅基地、農房、集體建設用地確權登記頒證。繼續落實(shí)征地制度改革工作。穩定農村土地承包關(guān)系,完善土地所有權、承包權、經(jīng)營(yíng)權分置辦法,依法推進(jìn)土地經(jīng)營(yíng)權有序流轉。完善集體經(jīng)濟組織成員認定辦法和集體經(jīng)濟資產(chǎn)所有權實(shí)現形式,將經(jīng)營(yíng)性資產(chǎn)折股量化到本集體經(jīng)濟組織成員。-- Completing the confirmation and registration of rural land contracted for productive use, homesteads, housing and collectively owned construction land. Reform of the land expropriation system shall be implemented continuously, the land-contracting relationship shall be made stable in the rural areas, measures for separating the rights of land ownership, contracting and management shall be improved, and orderly transfer of land-management right shall be introduced pursuant to the law. Methods for confirming membership of collective economic organizations shall be improved, and so shall the forms of expression of collective economic assets ownership. The productive assets of collective economic organizations shall be converted into shares for distribution among their members.
      ——依法合規界定企業(yè)財產(chǎn)權歸屬,保障企業(yè)的自主經(jīng)營(yíng)權。-- Defining the property right of enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations, and ensuring enterprises' right of operation.
      ——全面落實(shí)不動(dòng)產(chǎn)統一登記制度。-- Implementing unified system of registration for immovables.
      ——加快構建自然資源資產(chǎn)產(chǎn)權制度,確定產(chǎn)權主體,創(chuàng )新產(chǎn)權實(shí)現形式。保護自然資源資產(chǎn)所有者權益,公平分享自然資源資產(chǎn)收益。深化礦業(yè)權制度改革。建立健全生態(tài)環(huán)境性權益交易制度和平臺。-- Taking steps to quicken the enactment of a natural resource assets ownership system, deciding the owners of such assets, and innovating the forms of realizing the ownership. The rights and interests of the owners of natural-resource assets shall be protected, and proceeds from such assets shall be shared fairly. Further reform shall be carried out of the mining right system, and a system and platform shall be established for trading of ecological and environmental rights and interests.
      ——實(shí)施嚴格的知識產(chǎn)權保護制度。完善有利于激勵創(chuàng )新的知識產(chǎn)權歸屬制度,建設知識產(chǎn)權運營(yíng)交易和服務(wù)平臺。-- Implementing a rigorous intellectual property right (IPR) protection system. The IPR ownership system shall be improved to encourage innovation, and an IPR trading and services platform shall be built.
      (五)健康權利(5) Right to health
      建立健全覆蓋城鄉居民的基本醫療衛生制度,到2020年,實(shí)現人均預期壽命增加1歲。A basic medical and health system covering the entire nation shall be established and improved, and it is expected that the average life expectancy shall increase by one year by 2020.
      ——促進(jìn)基本公共衛生服務(wù)均等化。完善國家基本公共衛生服務(wù)項目和重大公共衛生服務(wù)項目,提高服務(wù)質(zhì)量效率和均等化水平,適時(shí)調整基本公共衛生服務(wù)項目經(jīng)費標準,項目經(jīng)費繼續向基層傾斜。鼓勵社會(huì )力量興辦健康服務(wù)業(yè),推進(jìn)非營(yíng)利性民營(yíng)醫院和公立醫院同等待遇。-- Promoting equal access to basic public health services. Improvements shall be endeavored of the basic public health service programs and key public health service programs, the quality and efficiency of health services shall be improved and equal access to them ensured, and adjustments made to the funds for basic public health service programs at the right time while continuing to give preference to primary-level health services when it comes to the allocation of funding. Private capital shall be encouraged to go to health services, and equal treatment be offered to non-profit private hospitals as well as public hospitals.
      ——提升基層醫療衛生服務(wù)能力。以中西部地區為重點(diǎn),每縣重點(diǎn)辦好1-2所縣級公立醫院(含縣中醫院),基層醫療衛生機構標準化建設達標率達95%以上。打造30分鐘基層醫療服務(wù)圈。加強并規范化培養住院醫師,每萬(wàn)人口全科醫生數達到2名,每千人口執業(yè)(助理)醫師數達到2.5名。-- Enhancing the capacity of primary-level medical and health services. Focusing on the central and western regions, each county shall be helped to run well at least one to two public hospitals (including hospitals of Traditional Chinese Medicine), and 95 percent of primary-level medical and health institutions shall be expected to reach the required standards. Endeavors shall be made to develop a primary-level medical care sphere that ensures all patients receive help within 30 minutes. A contingent of resident doctors shall be developed and offered standardized training. Two general practitioners shall be ensured for every 10,000 persons and 2.5 practitioners/assistants for every 1,000 persons.
      ——加強重大疾病防控。加快推進(jìn)國家和省級慢性病綜合防控示范區建設,重大慢性病過(guò)早死亡率降低10%。肺結核發(fā)病率降至58/10萬(wàn)。降低全人群乙肝病毒感染率,控制艾滋病疫情在低流行水平,基本消除血吸蟲(chóng)病危害,消除瘧疾、麻風(fēng)病危害。加強嚴重精神障礙診斷報告、隨訪(fǎng)管理服務(wù),嚴重精神障礙患者管理率達到85%。做好重點(diǎn)地方病防控工作,強化突發(fā)公共事件衛生應急和突發(fā)急性傳染病防治能力建設。加強口岸衛生檢疫能力建設,嚴防外來(lái)重大傳染病傳入。增加艾滋病防治等特殊藥物免費供給。全面開(kāi)展重特大疾病醫療救助。-- Strengthening prevention and control of major illnesses. Intensified efforts shall be made to accelerate the building of national- and provincial-level demonstration areas for chronic disease prevention and control, and the rate of premature deaths from major chronic diseases shall be reduced by 10 percent. The incidence of TB shall be reduced to 58/100,000; the infection rates of HBV in all groups be reduced; AIDS be controlled at a low-epidemic level; schistosomiasis be basically eliminated; and malaria and leprosy be eliminated. China shall improve the diagnosis, reporting and follow-up service of serious mental disorders, and register 85 percent of persons with serious mental disorders for health management. Primary attention shall be given to the prevention and control of endemic diseases, improving the capabilities of public health emergency response and the prevention and treatment of acute infectious disease epidemics. Health quarantine capacity of land border crossings and sea ports shall be strengthened to prevent the spread of major infectious diseases from outside China. The supply of medicines for the prevention and control of AIDS and some other diseases shall be increased free of charge, and medical relief shall be provided for all those suffering from severe or major illnesses.
      ——保障用藥安全。完善基本藥物制度,健全藥品供應保障機制。健全藥品檢查、檢驗檢測體系,加強藥品不良反應監測。-- Ensuring medication safety. The system of basic medicines shall be improved, so shall the mechanism of medicine supply and system of drug inspection and testing, as well as the monitoring of adverse effects of drugs.
      ——落實(shí)《全民健身計劃(2016-2020年)》。推動(dòng)城市社區15分鐘健身圈建設,實(shí)現基本公共體育服務(wù)鄉鎮常住人口全覆蓋和行政村農民體育健身工程全覆蓋。到2020年,每周參加1次及以上體育鍛煉的人數達到7億,經(jīng)常參加體育鍛煉的人數達到4.35億,全國人均體育場(chǎng)地面積達到1.8平方米以上。-- Implementing the National Fitness Program (2016-2020). Fitness facilities shall be made accessible to urban communities within a 15-minute radius, and permanent residents in rural towns and townships shall be ensured access to basic public sports services and farmers in rural administrative villages shall be guaranteed access to sports and fitness facilities. By 2020 some 700 million people shall take part in physical exercises at least once a week, and 435 million people shall do it on a regular basis, with per-capita sports or exercise area being 1.8 sq m or more.
      (六)受教育權(6) Right to education
      實(shí)施《國家教育事業(yè)發(fā)展第十三個(gè)五年規劃》,全面提升教育質(zhì)量,促進(jìn)教育公平。到2020年,勞動(dòng)年齡人口平均受教育年限達到10.8年。The 13th Five-Year Plan for the Development of Education (2016-2020) shall be implemented, the quality of education be enhanced comprehensively and equality in education be promoted. By 2020 the average years of schooling for the working-age population shall reach 10.8 years.
      ——普及學(xué)前三年教育。擴大普惠性學(xué)前教育資源,學(xué)前三年毛入園率提高到85%。繼續加大對中西部地區和薄弱環(huán)節的支持力度,基本建成覆蓋城鄉、布局合理的學(xué)前教育公共服務(wù)體系。-- Making three-year pre-school education universal. Pre-school educational resources bringing universal benefits shall be expanded, and 85 percent of eligible children shall be enrolled in kindergartens. The support to the central and western regions and to weak links shall be strengthened, and a well-balanced network of pre-school education public service that covers both urban and rural areas shall be established.
      ——促進(jìn)義務(wù)教育均衡優(yōu)質(zhì)發(fā)展。加快推進(jìn)城鄉義務(wù)教育一體化進(jìn)程,加快義務(wù)教育公辦學(xué)校標準化建設。全面改善貧困地區義務(wù)教育薄弱學(xué)?;巨k學(xué)條件。著(zhù)力保障隨遷子女在流入地平等接受義務(wù)教育。完善留守兒童教育服務(wù)體系。-- Promoting balanced and high-quality development of compulsory education. Urban-rural integration of compulsory education shall be accelerated, so shall the standardized construction of public schools of compulsory education. The conditions of disadvantaged schools of compulsory education in poverty-ridden areas shall be improved overall. Greater attention shall be paid to ensure equal access to compulsory education at local schools for the children of migrant workers. The system of education service for children left behind by their migrant-worker parents shall be improved.
      ——普及高中階段教育。促進(jìn)普通高中多樣化發(fā)展。繼續加大對中西部貧困地區高中階段教育的扶持力度。對建檔立卡的家庭經(jīng)濟困難學(xué)生實(shí)施普通高中免除學(xué)雜費。到2020年,全國高中階段教育毛入學(xué)率達到90%。-- Making senior high school education universal. Diversified development shall be encouraged of general high schools. Support shall be continuously enhanced to the development of senior high school education in poverty-stricken areas of central and western China. Students from families with financial difficulties shall be exempt from tuition and other fees during senior high school. By 2020 some 90 percent of junior high school students shall enter senior high schools.
      ——完善職業(yè)教育體系和制度建設。修改職業(yè)教育法。推動(dòng)產(chǎn)教融合發(fā)展,完善校企合作制度。完善職業(yè)教育人才多樣化成長(cháng)渠道。支持欠發(fā)達地區職業(yè)教育發(fā)展。逐步分類(lèi)推進(jìn)中等職業(yè)教育免除學(xué)雜費。實(shí)施國家基本職業(yè)培訓包制度。-- Improving the vocational education system. The Vocational Education Law shall be amended. Integrated development of industry and education shall be promoted, and the system of cooperation between schools and enterprises shall be improved. So shall the diversified channels conducive to the development of students receiving vocational education. Support shall be extended to the development of vocational education in less-developed areas. A program shall be implemented gradually and by category to exempt students receiving secondary vocational education from tuition and other fees. A national basic vocational training package shall be implemented.
      ——促進(jìn)高等教育發(fā)展。實(shí)施高等學(xué)校創(chuàng )新能力提升計劃。深入實(shí)施中西部高等教育振興計劃,擴大重點(diǎn)高校對中西部和農村地區招生規模。-- Boosting higher education. A program shall be implemented to enhance the innovation capacity of institutions of higher learning. So shall a program for rejuvenation of higher education of central and western regions, and key institutions of higher learning shall be made to enlarge their enrollments in central and western China, and rural areas.
      ——大力發(fā)展繼續教育。建立個(gè)人學(xué)習賬號和學(xué)分累計制度,暢通繼續教育、終身學(xué)習通道。支持各類(lèi)高校、企事業(yè)單位和各類(lèi)教育培訓機構開(kāi)展繼續教育。-- Making great efforts to develop continuing education. A personal education account and number of credits system shall be established, and the channels for continuing education and lifelong education shall be expanded. Institutions of higher learning, enterprises and public institutions, and various agencies providing educational training are encouraged to engage in continuing education.
      ——加強農村教師隊伍建設。推動(dòng)有關(guān)地方在連片特困地區實(shí)現鄉村教師生活補助全覆蓋,依據學(xué)校艱苦邊遠程度實(shí)行差別化的補助標準。推動(dòng)各地逐步實(shí)行城鄉統一的中小學(xué)教職工編制標準。推進(jìn)城鄉教師交流。加大對中西部鄉村教師的培訓。-- Improving the training of teachers in rural areas. Life subsidies shall be provided to all teachers working in rural areas hit hard by poverty, and differentiated amounts of subsidies shall be implemented on the basis of the location and degree of poverty where the teachers work. Unified standards shall be adopted for faculty and staff of elementary and high schools in both urban and rural areas. So shall the exchange of teachers working in urban and rural areas. Greater efforts shall be made in training of teachers working in rural areas of central and western China.
      ——健全國家資助政策體系,實(shí)現家庭經(jīng)濟困難學(xué)生資助全覆蓋。-- Improving state financial aid policies, and ensuring full coverage of financial aid to students with economic difficulties.
      (七)文化權利(7) Cultural rights
      實(shí)施《國家“十三五”時(shí)期文化改革發(fā)展規劃綱要》,完善公共文化服務(wù)體系、文化產(chǎn)業(yè)體系、文化市場(chǎng)體系,提升公民基本文化權利的保障水平。The Outline of the National Plan for Cultural Reform and Development of the 13th Five-Year Plan Period (2016-2020) shall be implemented, and the public cultural services shall be improved, so shall the cultural industry and cultural market, to ensure citizens' basic cultural rights.
      ——加快推進(jìn)公共圖書(shū)館法、文化產(chǎn)業(yè)促進(jìn)法、公共文化服務(wù)保障法、電影產(chǎn)業(yè)促進(jìn)法立法。修訂文物保護法、著(zhù)作權法及其配套行政法規。-- Quickening the pace of enactment of laws on public libraries, the promotion of the cultural industry, the provision of public cultural services, and promotion of the movie industry. The Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics, the Copyright Law and supporting administrative regulations shall be amended.
      ——推進(jìn)基本公共文化服務(wù)標準化、均等化。完善公共文化設施網(wǎng)絡(luò ),加強基層文化服務(wù)能力建設。加大對老少邊窮地區文化建設幫扶力度。加快公共數字文化建設。加強文化產(chǎn)品、惠民服務(wù)與群眾文化需求對接。鼓勵社會(huì )力量參與公共文化服務(wù)。繼續推進(jìn)公共文化設施免費開(kāi)放。-- Promoting the standardization of and equal access to basic public cultural services. The public cultural facilities network shall keep to be improved, and the building of primary-level cultural service capacity shall be strengthened. Support shall be strengthened for cultural development in former revolutionary base areas, ethnic-minority areas, border areas and impoverished areas. Public digital culture development shall be accelerated. Cultural products and services should suit the public's cultural needs. All social sectors are encouraged to take part in the provision of public cultural services. Free access to public cultural installations shall be further encouraged.
      ——促進(jìn)新興文化產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展,推進(jìn)文化業(yè)態(tài)創(chuàng )新,大力發(fā)展創(chuàng )意文化產(chǎn)業(yè)。完善文化市場(chǎng)準入和退出機制,促進(jìn)文化資源在全國范圍內流動(dòng)。-- Promoting the development of emerging cultural industries. Innovation shall be encouraged in the forms of cultural operations, and great efforts shall be made to boost the development of creative culture. The cultural market entry-and-exit mechanism shall be improved, and the cultural resources shall be encouraged to flow nationwide.
      ——構建中華優(yōu)秀傳統文化傳承體系。加強對國家重大文化和自然遺產(chǎn)地、大遺址、重點(diǎn)文物保護單位、歷史文化名城名鎮名村的保護建設,加大對非國有博物館的政策扶持力度。推進(jìn)國家非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)保護利用設施建設工程和代表性傳承人搶救性記錄工程,實(shí)施國家非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)傳承人群研修研習培訓計劃。振興傳統工藝。實(shí)施中華典籍整理工程。-- Establishing a dissemination system of China's fine cultural traditions. Protection and development of key state cultural and natural heritage sites, major ruins, key cultural relics protection units, and historic and cultural cities, towns and villages shall be strengthened, and so shall policy support to non-state-owned museums. Efforts shall be made to press forward with the building of facilities for protecting and utilizing state intangible cultural heritages, and implement a research and training program for the inheritors of intangible cultural heritages. Traditional craftsmanship shall be further developed, and the project to collate Chinese classics and records shall be launched.
      ——全面實(shí)施全民閱讀工程。-- Launching a nationwide reading project.
      ——加強互聯(lián)網(wǎng)與網(wǎng)絡(luò )文化建設。城鎮地區實(shí)現光網(wǎng)覆蓋,提供1000兆比特每秒以上接入服務(wù)能力,大中城市家庭用戶(hù)帶寬實(shí)現100兆比特每秒以上靈活選擇;98%的行政村實(shí)現光纖通達,有條件地區提供100兆比特每秒以上接入服務(wù)能力,半數以上農村家庭用戶(hù)帶寬實(shí)現50兆比特每秒以上靈活選擇。實(shí)施網(wǎng)絡(luò )內容建設工程,支持傳統出版資源加快數字化轉化,提高知識服務(wù)能力,鼓勵推出優(yōu)秀網(wǎng)絡(luò )原創(chuàng )作品。-- Strengthening the development of the Internet and cyber culture. Fiber-optic networks shall cover all urban areas and provide a connection capacity of 1,000 Mbps, allowing home users of the Internet in medium-sized and large cities to choose from a variety of plans with speeds above 100 Mbps; fiber-optic networks shall cover 98 percent of rural administrative villages, an Internet connection capacity of 100 Mbps shall be available for areas where conditions allow, allowing more than half of rural home users to choose from a variety of plans with speeds above 50 Mbps. An Internet content development project shall be implemented, support shall be extended to the digitalization of traditional publishing resources, the knowledge-services capacity shall be enhanced, and encouragement shall be given to the creation of outstanding original works on the Internet.
      (八)環(huán)境權利(8) Environmental rights
      實(shí)行最嚴格的環(huán)境保護制度,形成政府、企業(yè)、公眾共治的環(huán)境治理體系,著(zhù)力解決大氣、水、土壤等突出環(huán)境問(wèn)題,實(shí)現環(huán)境質(zhì)量總體改善。Implementing the strictest possible system of environmental protection, forming an environmental-governance system involving the government, enterprises and the general public, and striving to address such pressing environmental problems as air, water and soil pollution, so as to strive for an overall improvement of the environment.
      ——切實(shí)落實(shí)環(huán)境保護法和大氣污染防治法,完善環(huán)境公益訴訟等配套制度。有序推進(jìn)水污染防治法、土壤污染防治法、核安全法等立法規劃項目進(jìn)程。-- Effectively implementing the Law on Environmental Protection and the Law on Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control, and improving environmental public interest litigation and other supporting mechanisms. The pace of legislation for water and soil pollution prevention and control, and nuclear safety shall be promoted in an orderly manner.
      ——堅持不懈治理大氣污染。到2020年,地級以上城市空氣質(zhì)量?jì)?yōu)良天數比率超過(guò)80%,細顆粒物(PM2.5)未達標地級以上城市濃度下降18%,二氧化硫、氮氧化物排放總量減少15%。-- Sparing no effort to curb air pollution. By 2020 the ratio of days with good air quality in cities above the prefecture level shall exceed 80 percent, the density of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in such cities that have not yet met the required standards shall drop by 18 percent, and the total emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides shall drop by 15 percent.
      ——強化水污染防治。加大水源地污染治理和流域水污染防治,篩選七大流域優(yōu)控污染物清單。到2020年,達到或好于Ⅲ類(lèi)水體比例超過(guò)70%,劣Ⅴ類(lèi)水體比例小于5%,地級以上城市建成區黑臭水體控制在10%以?xún)??;瘜W(xué)需氧量、氨氮排放總量減少10%。地下水超采得到嚴格控制。-- Strengthening water pollution prevention and control. Efforts shall be intensified for pollution prevention and control in water-head areas and river basins, and a list of priority pollutants shall be screened and established for the country's seven major river basins. By 2020 bodies of water at or above the Grade-III level shall surpass 70 percent, with bodies of water at the Grade-V level reduced to 5 percent or less, and black and odorous bodies of water in built-up areas of cities above the prefecture level shall be limited to 10 percent or less. The chemical oxygen demand amount and total emission of ammonia nitrogen shall drop by 10 percent, and excessive exploitation of groundwater shall be brought under strict control.
      ——制定實(shí)施土壤污染防治行動(dòng)計劃。到2020年,完成200個(gè)土壤污染治理與修復技術(shù)應用試點(diǎn)項目。建設6個(gè)土壤污染綜合防治先行區,受污染耕地治理與修復面積達到1000萬(wàn)畝,輕度和中度污染耕地實(shí)現安全利用的面積達到4000萬(wàn)畝。-- Formulating and implementing the Soil Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan. By 2020 200 pilot programs shall be completed for the application of soil-pollution control and remedy technologies; six pilot areas of soil-pollution prevention and control shall be built; and area of polluted farmland treated and restored shall reach 10 million mu (less than 700,000 ha), with the area of lightly and moderately polluted farmland treated for safe utilization being 40 million mu (less than 3 million ha).
      ——加強危險廢物污染防治。開(kāi)展危險廢物專(zhuān)項整治。加大重點(diǎn)區域、有色等重點(diǎn)行業(yè)重金屬污染防治力度。加強有毒有害化學(xué)物質(zhì)環(huán)境和健康風(fēng)險評估能力建設。推進(jìn)核設施安全改進(jìn)和放射性污染防治,強化核與輻射安全監管體系和監管能力建設。-- Improving hazardous waste pollution prevention and control. Special programs shall be carried out in hazardous waste pollution control, and efforts shall be intensified for the prevention and control of heavy metal pollution in key areas and key industries such as non-ferrous metals. Capacity building shall be strengthened in environment and health risk assessment of toxic and harmful chemicals. Further efforts shall be made to promote the security improvement of nuclear facilities and prevention and control of radioactive contamination, and strengthen the security supervision system and capacity of nuclear and radioactive materials.
      ——加強海洋資源環(huán)境保護。嚴格控制圍填海規模,加強海岸帶保護與修復,自然岸線(xiàn)保有率不低于35%。實(shí)施陸源污染物達標排海和排污總量控制制度,建立海洋資源環(huán)境承載力預警機制。嚴格控制捕撈強度。加強海洋生態(tài)珍稀物種保護。實(shí)施海洋督查制度。-- Improving the protection of marine resources and environment. Strict control shall be enforced on the scale of sea reclamation, and protection and restoration of coastal belts, seeing to it that at least 35 percent of the country' s shorelines remain in their natural conditions. A system shall be implemented under which terrigenous pollutants shall be treated and meet required standards before they are discharged into the sea and the total amount of waste discharge shall be capped. An early-warning mechanism shall be established in relation to marine resources and environment carrying capacity. Strict control shall be imposed on fishing intensity; protection of rare marine species shall be enhanced; and a marine supervision mechanism shall be implemented.
      ——推動(dòng)能源結構優(yōu)化升級。到2020年,單位GDP能源消耗降低15%,萬(wàn)元GDP用水量下降23%,非化石能源占一次能源消費比重達15%,單位GDP二氧化碳排放降低18%。-- Promoting the improvement and upgrading of the energy structure. By 2020 the energy consumption per unit of GDP shall drop by 15 percent, water usage per RMB10,000 of GDP shall drop by 23 percent, non-fossil energy resources shall make up 15 percent of primary energy consumption, and carbon dioxide emission per unit of GDP shall decrease by 18 percent.
      ——推進(jìn)生態(tài)建設。加快生態(tài)保護紅線(xiàn)劃定,推動(dòng)建立重點(diǎn)生態(tài)功能區產(chǎn)業(yè)準入負面清單制度。到2020年,森林覆蓋率提高到23%以上,濕地保有量穩定在8億畝,自然保護地占國有面積穩定在17%以上,新增沙化土地治理面積1000萬(wàn)公頃,新增水土流失綜合治理面積27萬(wàn)平方公里,國家森林城市達到200個(gè),全國80%以上的行政村居民點(diǎn)綠化覆蓋率達25%以上。健全國門(mén)生物安全查驗機制,防范動(dòng)植物疫情疫病跨境傳播和外來(lái)物種入侵。-- Promoting ecological conservation. The pace of delimiting the "red lines" for ecological conservation shall be accelerated, and efforts shall be made to forge ahead with the establishment of a negative list of industries that are not allowed in key eco-function zones. By 2020 the country's forest coverage shall be raised to 23 percent of its land; the wetland inventory shall be stabilized at 800 million mu (over 53 million ha); and nature reserves shall remain steady at 17 percent of the country's total land area, in addition to another 10 million ha of improved desert land and another 270,000 sq km of land of which soil erosion control has been completed. In addition, the number of national "forest cities" shall increase to 200, and the ratio of green land shall reach 25 percent in over 80 percent of the administrative villages nationwide. A bio-safety inspection mechanism shall be set up at land and sea ports to prevent the spread of plant and animal epidemics and diseases across borders, as well as invasion by alien species.
      ——完善環(huán)境監察體制機制。推行全流域、跨區域聯(lián)防聯(lián)控和城鄉協(xié)同治理模式。建立健全排污權有償使用和交易制度。建立企業(yè)環(huán)境信用記錄和違法排污黑名單制度。健全生態(tài)環(huán)境損害賠償制度。-- Improving environmental monitoring and supervision mechanisms. A trans-regional governance model shall be enforced for joint environmental prevention and control that covers all river basins and integrates urban and rural efforts. A system for paid use and trading of emission rights shall be established. So shall a system of environmental credit records for enterprises and a blacklist system of illegal waste discharge. The environmental damage compensation system shall be improved.
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      二、公民權利和政治權利II. Civil and Political Rights
      深入推進(jìn)依法行政,加強人權司法保障,擴大公民有序政治參與,切實(shí)保障公民權利和政治權利。Law-based governance shall be advanced, judicial protection of human rights strengthened and orderly civil participation in political affairs expanded to effectively protect the people's civil and political rights.
      (一)人身權利(1) Rights of the person
      規范涉及公民人身的執法行為和司法行為。采取措施防范刑訊逼供。規范監管場(chǎng)所,保障各類(lèi)被限制人身自由人員的權利。Acts of law enforcement and judicature touching on the rights of the person shall be standardized. Measures shall be taken to prevent extorting confessions by torture. Places of surveillance shall be regularized to protect the rights of people whose personal freedom is subject to restriction.
      ——完善行政組織和行政程序法律制度。行政機關(guān)不得法外設定權力,沒(méi)有憲法法律依據不得作出限制公民人身自由的強制措施和處罰。-- Improving laws and regulations concerning administrative bodies and procedures. Administrative bodies shall not extend their power beyond the law, and not impose any coercive measure or punishment that restrict personal freedom in the absence of Constitutional basis or legal basis.
      ——完善執法程序。建立執法全過(guò)程記錄制度,完善對涉及公民人身權利的行政強制措施實(shí)行司法監督的制度。-- Improving law enforcement procedures. A system of archiving shall be established of the entire law-enforcement process, and the system of judicial supervision shall be improved over coercive administrative measures involving rights of the person.
      ——完善對限制人身自由司法措施和偵查手段的司法監督。加強對刑訊逼供和非法取證的源頭預防,健全冤假錯案的有效防范、及時(shí)糾正機制。落實(shí)訊問(wèn)犯罪嫌疑人全程同步錄音錄像制度,并逐步擴大其適用的案件范圍,試行重大案件全程同步錄音錄像隨案移送制度。-- Improving judicial oversight over judicial and investigation means that restrict personal freedom. Efforts shall be strengthened to prevent at source interrogation by torture and illegal collection of evidence, and improve the mechanism for preventing and redressing unjust, false and erroneous cases in a timely manner. The system of synchronous video and audio recording shall be implemented for the entire process of questioning criminal suspects, while the scope of its application being gradually expanded. Trial implementation shall be made of the system of transferring major cases together with the relevant synchronous video and audio recordings.
      ——完善偵查階段聽(tīng)取律師意見(jiàn)的相關(guān)機制。犯罪嫌疑人委托的律師提出不構成犯罪、無(wú)逮捕必要、不適宜羈押、偵查活動(dòng)有違法犯罪情形等書(shū)面意見(jiàn)以及相關(guān)證據材料的,檢察人員應當在審查逮捕意見(jiàn)書(shū)中說(shuō)明是否采納律師意見(jiàn)的情況和理由。-- Improving the mechanism of consulting lawyers at the stage of investigation. Where the defense lawyer entrusted by a criminal suspect provides written opinions, materials and evidence that prove the suspect's acts do not constitute a crime, arrest is unnecessary, detention is unsuitable or investigation is illegal, the procurator shall state clearly in the relevant written report on investigation and arrest the conditions and reasons for whether or not adopting the lawyer's opinions.
      ——嚴格執行指定居所監視居住制度。嚴格把握適用標準、適用期限,規范執行場(chǎng)所、執行方式,健全適用審批制度。-- Seriously implementing the system of residential surveillance at designated places. Tight control shall be enforced on the conditions and duration of residential surveillance, as well as the places and means of enforcement, in addition to improvement of the pertinent review and approval system.
      ——強化對公安執法辦案活動(dòng)的剛性約束。改革完善受立案制度、執法質(zhì)量考評制度和執法過(guò)錯責任追究制度。加強執法辦案場(chǎng)所辦案區使用管理,深化公安執法信息化建設。-- Imposing rigid constraints on law-enforcing and case-handling activities of public security organs. Efforts shall be made to reform and improve the systems of acceptance and hearing of cases, appraisal of law-enforcement effectiveness, and accountability for mistakes in law-enforcement. Management shall be strengthened of the use of case-handling sites and areas for law enforcement, and improvement shall be made of the IT application in law enforcement for public security bodies.
      ——加大力度查處國家機關(guān)工作人員利用職權實(shí)施非法拘禁等侵犯公民人身權利的犯罪。-- Making greater efforts to investigate and punish government functionaries abusing power to illegally detain people or commit other crimes that infringe upon the rights of the person.
      ——嚴格把握死刑適用條件。強化死刑復核程序,進(jìn)一步規范死刑復核監督程序。-- Strictly observing the conditions applicable to death penalty. The procedure of checking and verification shall be strengthened for death sentence, and the procedure of oversight over death sentence checking and verification shall be further regularized.
      ——制定看守所法,提升被羈押人權利保障的立法層級,完善配套法律法規和規章制度。-- Formulating the Law on Detention Houses. The level of legislation for protecting the rights of detainees shall be raised, in addition to enacting related supporting laws, regulations, provisions and rules.
      ——健全刑事羈押必要性審查制度。發(fā)現不需要繼續羈押或患有嚴重疾病不適宜羈押的,應當釋放犯罪嫌疑人、被告人或變更強制措施。-- Improving the system of examining and approving the necessity of criminal custody. Where custody is deemed unnecessary or unsuitable due to severe illness, the criminal suspects or defendants shall be released or the coercive measures be changed.
      ——加強刑事羈押期限監督。預防和清理久押不決案件,嚴格落實(shí)換押制度、超期羈押報告制度及責任追究制度。-- Enhancing supervision over the duration of criminal custody. Efforts shall be made to prevent and settle prolonged detention of suspects without concluding the case, and strictly implement the systems of changing custody, reporting overdue custody and accountability for detention beyond the legally prescribed time limit.
      ——嚴格落實(shí)監管場(chǎng)所的各項規章制度。完善被羈押人投訴處理機制,暢通被羈押人權利救濟渠道。加強監管場(chǎng)所檢察信息化建設,實(shí)現對監管場(chǎng)所的動(dòng)態(tài)監督。-- Strictly implementing the rules and regulations on places of surveillance. The mechanism to handle detainees' complaints shall be improved, and channels of right relief be unblocked for them. IT application in relation to procuratorial work shall be strengthened for places of surveillance, and dynamic oversight be realized in such places.
      ——規范強制醫療的執行、治療、管理和監督,保障被強制醫療人員的權利。-- Promoting procedure-based enforcement, medical care, management and supervision of compulsory medical treatment, and protecting the rights of those receiving compulsory medical treatment.
      ——落實(shí)禁毒法和戒毒條例。依法規范強制隔離戒毒決定、提前解除強制隔離戒毒決定、延長(cháng)戒毒期限決定的作出。提升戒毒醫療、康復水平,保障戒毒人員合法權利。-- Implementing the Anti-Drug Law and the Regulations on Drug Rehabilitation. Standard rules shall be implemented for decision-making on compulsory isolation for drug rehabilitation, early termination or extension of the terms of such drug rehabilitation. The effectiveness of medical treatment and rehabilitation in relation to drug addiction shall be improved, and the lawful rights of drug addicts undergoing rehabilitation shall be protected.
      (二)獲得公正審判的權利(2) Right to fair trial
      尊重司法運行規律,建立以審判為中心的訴訟制度,提高司法公信力。Following the rule of judicial operation, an adjudication-centered litigation system shall be established, and judicial credibility shall be enhanced.
      ——確保法院依法獨立行使審判權。完善對領(lǐng)導干部干預司法活動(dòng)、插手具體案件處理的記錄、通報和責任追究制度。明確司法機關(guān)內部各層級權限,健全內部監督制約機制,完善對司法機關(guān)內部人員過(guò)問(wèn)案件的記錄制度和責任追究制度。-- Ensuring the people's courts exercise adjudicative power independently and in accordance with the law. The system that archives leading officials' intervention in judicial activities and in the handling of particular cases shall be improved, making them known to the public, and holding them accountable. The limits of authority at all levels within the judicial bodies shall be clearly defined. The mechanism of internal checks and oversight shall be improved, so shall the recording and accountability systems regarding judicial personnel who intervene in case handling.
      ——規范司法解釋和案例指導,統一法律適用標準。-- Standardizing judicial interpretation and case guidance, and unifying the criteria for the application of the law.
      ——全面貫徹證據裁判原則。落實(shí)直接言詞原則,嚴格落實(shí)證人、鑒定人出庭制度。-- Implementing the principle of evidentiary adjudication. The principles of testimony and trial in court shall be implemented, so shall the system of court appearance of witnesses and authenticators.
      ——貫徹疑罪從無(wú)原則,嚴格實(shí)行非法證據排除規則,進(jìn)一步明確非法證據的范圍和排除程序。-- Implementing the principle of presumption of innocence, and the rule of exclusion of illegally obtained evidence, and specifying the scope and exclusion procedures of illegal evidence.
      ——加強訴訟過(guò)程中律師的知情權、申請權、申訴權等各項權利的制度保障,落實(shí)相關(guān)法律賦予律師在訴訟中會(huì )見(jiàn)、閱卷、收集證據和發(fā)問(wèn)、質(zhì)證、辯論等方面的執業(yè)權利,保障律師依法行使辯護權、代理權。健全完善偵查、起訴、審判各環(huán)節重視律師辯護代理意見(jiàn)的工作機制,落實(shí)聽(tīng)取律師意見(jiàn)制度。禁止對律師進(jìn)行歧視性安檢,為律師依法履職提供便利。-- Enhancing institutional guarantee for lawyers' rights to know, apply and appeal throughout the course of litigation, ensuring their access to criminal suspects or defendants, and rights to review files, collect evidence, raise questions, conduct cross-examinations and debate, and ensuring lawyers exercise their rights of defense and procuration in accordance with the law. The mechanism of valuing lawyers' defense and procuration opinions in investigation, prosecution and trial shall be improved, and the system of listening to their opinions shall be observed. Discriminatory security checks of lawyers are prohibited, in order to provide convenience for them to perform their duties in accordance with the law.
      ——強化訴訟過(guò)程中當事人和其他訴訟參與人的知情權、陳述權、辯論辯護權、申請權、申訴權的制度保障,落實(shí)刑事訴訟法及相關(guān)配套法規制度關(guān)于法律援助的規定。-- Enhancing institutional guarantee for the rights of litigants and other parties involved in the lawsuit to know, present views, debate and defense, apply and appeal, and implementing regulations on legal aid prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Law and related rules and regulations.
      ——完善刑事訴訟中認罪認罰從寬制度。明確被告人自愿認罪、自愿接受處罰、積極退贓退賠案件的訴訟程序、處罰標準和處理方式。-- Improving the practice of leniency to those who confess their crimes and submit to punishment in criminal proceedings. The judicial proceedings, penalty standards and handling means shall be clarified for cases where defendants plead guilty, accept punishment, surrender ill-gotten gains or pay compensation, all of their own accord.
      ——繼續推進(jìn)量刑規范化,規范法官的量刑裁量權,完善量刑程序,促進(jìn)量刑公開(kāi)、公正。-- Pressing further forward with standardization in meting out punishment, regularizing the judges' sentencing discretion, improving sentencing procedures, and enhancing openness and impartiality in sentencing.
      ——禁止讓刑事在押被告人或上訴人穿著(zhù)具有監管機構標識的服裝出庭受審。-- Prohibiting defendants who are held in custody or appellants from appearing in court wearing clothing that bear the logo of their organs of custody.
      ——健全輕微刑事案件快速辦理機制,有序推進(jìn)刑事案件速裁程序改革。-- Improving the mechanism for fast-track handling of minor criminal cases, and reforming fast-track trial procedures for criminal cases in an orderly manner.
      ——制定刑事被害人救助法,建立統一、規范的刑事被害人救助制度。-- Formulating the Law on Assistance for Victims of Crime, and establishing a unified, procedure-based relief system for victims of crime.
      (三)宗教信仰自由(3) Freedom of religious belief
      提高宗教工作法治化水平,落實(shí)宗教信仰自由的憲法規定。Rule of law shall be enhanced in addressing religious affairs, and the stipulation in the Constitution concerning freedom of religious belief shall be implemented.
      ——修改宗教事務(wù)條例,依法規范政府管理宗教事務(wù)的行為,保護廣大信教群眾合法權益。-- Amending the Regulations on Religious Affairs, regularizing in accordance with the law the conduct of the government in managing religious affairs, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of religious believers.
      ——支持宗教界加強自身建設,提高自我約束、自我規范、自我管理能力。為宗教團體開(kāi)展工作提供必要的支持和幫助。-- Supporting the efforts of the religious circles for self-improvement to enhance their capabilities for self-regulation, self-discipline and self-management. Necessary support and assistance shall be provided for religious groups to hold activities.
      ——鼓勵宗教界依法開(kāi)展公益慈善活動(dòng)。-- Encouraging religious circles to organize charity activities in accordance with the law.
      ——辦好宗教院校,加強宗教人才培養,提高宗教教職人員素質(zhì)。-- Making efforts to run the religious institutes well, improving the training of religious professionals, and improving the qualities of faculty and staff of the religious institutes.
      ——遏制投資經(jīng)營(yíng)宗教活動(dòng)場(chǎng)所行為,制止和糾正寺廟、道觀(guān)“被承包”現象。-- Halting investments in and commercial use of venues for religious activities, and prohibiting the "contracting" of Buddhist monasteries and Taoist temples.
      ——改進(jìn)伊斯蘭教朝覲組織服務(wù)工作,保障穆斯林群眾順利完成朝覲功課。-- Improving organization and services for the Islamic Hajj.
      ——積極開(kāi)展對外宗教交流活動(dòng)。-- Actively engaging in religious exchanges with the outside world.
      (四)知情權和參與權(4) Rights to know and to participate
      多渠道多領(lǐng)域拓寬公民知情權的范圍,擴展有序參與社會(huì )治理的途徑和方式。Expanding the citizens' right to know through various channels and in various fields, and increasing the means and forms of their orderly participation in social governance.
      ——進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)權力清單和責任清單公開(kāi),方便公眾獲取和監督。各級政府及其工作部門(mén)依據權力清單向社會(huì )全面公開(kāi)政府職能、職責權限、管理流程、監督方式。-- Further pressing forward with making public the lists of powers and responsibilities for easier supervision by the public. The people's governments at all levels and their subordinate departments shall make public their functions, responsibilities, powers, administrative procedures and means of accepting public supervision.
      ——推行行政執法公示制度。-- Introducing the system of publicity for administrative law enforcement.
      ——加強互聯(lián)網(wǎng)政務(wù)信息數據服務(wù)平臺和便民服務(wù)平臺建設,提高政務(wù)公開(kāi)信息化、集中化水平。-- Improving the construction of online administrative information data platform and public service platform, and promoting IT application to make governmental affairs more open and easier to access.
      ——完善突發(fā)事件信息發(fā)布制度。-- Improving the information disclosure system for emergencies.
      ——推進(jìn)警務(wù)、獄務(wù)、審判、檢務(wù)公開(kāi)。依法及時(shí)公開(kāi)執法司法依據、程序、流程、結果,建立生效法律文書(shū)統一上網(wǎng)和公開(kāi)查詢(xún)制度。-- Disclosing information about police, prison, adjudicative and procuratorial affairs. Information shall be released in time about the basis, procedures, processes and results of judicature and law enforcement in accordance with the law, and a system of unified online announcement and open inquiry shall be established for effective legal documents.
      ——提高立法公眾參與度。探索建立有關(guān)國家機關(guān)、社會(huì )團體、專(zhuān)家學(xué)者等對立法中涉及的重大利益調整論證咨詢(xún)機制,拓寬公民有序參與立法途徑,健全法律法規規章草案公開(kāi)征求意見(jiàn)和公眾意見(jiàn)采納情況反饋機制。-- Enlarging public involvement in legislation. Exploration shall be made for the establishment of a mechanism in which the state organs, social groups, specialists and scholars provide argument and consultation for the adjustment of major interests in the process of legislation, thus expanding the channels for the public's orderly participation in legislation, and improving the mechanisms of soliciting public opinion for the drafting of laws, regulations and provisions, and giving feedbacks to the public.
      ——落實(shí)人民陪審員“倍增計劃”,拓寬選任渠道和范圍,明確參審案件職權。-- Implementing the plan of doubling the number of people's jurors, expanding the channels and scope of their selection and appointment, and specifying their functions and powers.
      ——進(jìn)一步完善特約檢察員機制,切實(shí)采取措施保障特約檢察員依法履行職責,參與檢察,謀議檢務(wù)。-- Improving the mechanism of having specially-invited procurators, and taking effective measures to ensure they perform their duties in accordance with the law and involve in the deliberation of procuratorial affairs.
      ——完善人民監督員制度。改革選任和管理方式,充分保障人民監督員的各項權利,進(jìn)一步拓寬人民群眾有序參與司法渠道。-- Improving the people's supervisor system. The selection, appointment and management of people's supervisors shall be improved, their rights be fully protected, and the channels be expanded for the public's orderly participation in judicial affairs.
      ——在司法調解、司法聽(tīng)證、涉訴信訪(fǎng)等活動(dòng)中保障人民群眾參與。-- Ensuring public participation in judicial mediation and hearing, and addressing petition letters and visits in relation to legal proceedings.
      ——發(fā)揮市民公約、鄉規民約、行業(yè)規章、團體章程等社會(huì )規范在社會(huì )治理中的積極作用,推進(jìn)社會(huì )自治。-- Bringing into play the positive role of citizens' code of conduct, village regulations and folk conventions, and statutes of trades and social groups in social governance, and advancing self-governance of society.
      ——支持社會(huì )組織參與社會(huì )服務(wù)。發(fā)展社會(huì )工作服務(wù)機構和志愿服務(wù)組織,推進(jìn)行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )與行政機關(guān)脫鉤,支持慈善組織有序發(fā)展,完善社會(huì )組織登記管理制度及政府向社會(huì )組織購買(mǎi)服務(wù)制度。-- Supporting social organizations to participate in the provision of social services. Efforts shall be made to develop social work service agencies and voluntary service associations, promote the separation of trade associations from administrative bodies, facilitate the orderly development of charity organizations, and improve the systems of registration and management of social organizations and of government buying services from them.
      ——修改城市居民委員會(huì )組織法,加快制定或修改村委會(huì )組織法配套法規。推進(jìn)居務(wù)、村務(wù)公開(kāi)建設,促進(jìn)居民、村民民主參與。-- Revising the Organic Law on Urban Residents' Committees, and accelerating the pace of formulating or amending supporting laws and regulations of the Organic Law on Villagers' Committees. Efforts shall be made to forge ahead with transparency of the work of urban residents' and villagers' committees, and encourage democratic participation by urban and rural residents.
      ——健全以職工代表大會(huì )為基本形式的企事業(yè)單位民主管理制度。推進(jìn)企事業(yè)單位信息公開(kāi)制度化、規范化建設,保障職工的知情權,有效參與民主管理。-- Improving the system of democratic management of enterprises and public institutions in the form of employees' congresses. Efforts shall be made to press forward with institutionalization and normalization of information disclosure in enterprises and public institutions, and ensure employees' right to know and to participate in democratic management.
      (五)表達權和監督權(5) Rights of expression and supervision
      擴展表達空間,豐富表達手段和渠道,健全權力運行制約和監督體系,依法保障公民的表達自由和民主監督權利。Giving more space to public opinion, increasing the means and channels of expression, improving the check and supervision system for the operation of power, and protecting in accordance with the law the citizens' rights of free expression and democratic supervision.
      ——依法保障公民互聯(lián)網(wǎng)言論自由。繼續完善為網(wǎng)民發(fā)表言論的服務(wù),重視互聯(lián)網(wǎng)反映的社情民意。-- Protecting the citizens' freedom of speech on the Internet in accordance with the law. Services shall be further improved for netizens to express their opinions, and great store shall be set on social sentiments and public opinions as expressed on the Internet.
      ——建立對各級國家機關(guān)違法行為投訴舉報登記制度。暢通舉報箱、電子信箱、熱線(xiàn)電話(huà)等監督渠道,發(fā)揮社會(huì )監督的作用。-- Establishing a registration system for complaints about and reports of unlawful acts by state organs at all levels, smoothing out such supervisory channels as informants' letterbox, complaint e-mail and hotline, so as to give full play to public supervision.
      ——完善信訪(fǎng)工作制度,推進(jìn)信訪(fǎng)法治化。健全訴訪(fǎng)分離工作機制和涉訴信訪(fǎng)終結機制。推進(jìn)集控告、舉報、申訴、投訴、咨詢(xún)、查詢(xún)于一體的綜合性受理平臺建設,實(shí)行網(wǎng)上信訪(fǎng),依法分類(lèi)處理信訪(fǎng)訴求,保障公民合理、合法訴求依照法律規定和程序就能得到合理合法的結果。-- Improving the regulations regarding the people's complaints and promoting law-based handling of such complaints. Mechanisms shall be improved to separate litigations from complaints, and bring to conclusion all petitions relating to legal proceedings lodged by way of letters or personal visits to relevant government departments. A platform integrating accusation, offence reporting, appeal, complaint, consultation and search shall be built, online processing of complaints shall be encouraged, and complaints shall be classified and handled in accordance with the law. Citizens' rational and lawful appeals shall be resolved in accordance with legal provisions and procedures.
      ——修改行政復議法,保障公民和社會(huì )組織通過(guò)申請行政復議對行政機關(guān)依法行政進(jìn)行監督的權利。加大對公務(wù)員違法違紀行為的監察力度。-- Amending the Administrative Reconsideration Law, and protecting citizens' and social organizations' rights to supervise administrative bodies by applying for administrative reconsideration. Oversight shall be strengthened on civil servants' violations of law and discipline.
      ——發(fā)揮報刊、廣播、電視等傳統媒體監督作用,加強傳統媒體與互聯(lián)網(wǎng)等新興媒體的互動(dòng),重視運用和規范網(wǎng)絡(luò )監督。依法保障新聞機構和從業(yè)人員的知情權、采訪(fǎng)權、發(fā)表權、批評權、監督權。-- Giving full play to supervision by newspapers, magazines, radio, television and other types of traditional media, increasing the interaction between traditional media and new media like the Internet, and highlighting law-based online supervision. Protection in accordance with the law shall be extended to the rights of news agencies and their staff to information, interview, publication, criticism and supervision.
      ——完善全國人大及其常委會(huì )憲法監督制度,健全憲法解釋程序機制。加強備案審查制度和能力建設,把所有規范性文件納入備案審查范圍,依法撤銷(xiāo)和糾正違憲違法的規范性文件。健全人大討論、決定重大事項制度,各級政府重大決策出臺前需向本級人大報告。-- Improving the system of constitutional supervision by the National People's Congress (NPC) and its Standing Committee, and the mechanism of procedures for the interpretation of the Constitution. The legislative recording and review system and capability building shall be improved, and all normative documents shall be brought into the scope of such recording and review. All normative documents that violate the Constitution or laws shall be abrogated or corrected. Systems shall be improved by which the people's congresses discuss and decide on major issues, and governments at all levels report to the people's congresses at the same level before making major policy decisions.
      ——搭建政協(xié)協(xié)商平臺,豐富協(xié)商內容和形式。以事關(guān)經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展全局和涉及群眾切身利益的實(shí)際問(wèn)題為內容,開(kāi)展廣泛協(xié)商,完善民主監督的組織領(lǐng)導、權益保障、知情反饋、溝通協(xié)調機制。-- Building a platform of consultation for the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), and enriching the contents and forms of consultation. Targeting issues bearing on overall social and economic development and the people's immediate interests, CPPCC will conduct extensive consultation. The mechanisms of organizing democratic supervision, safeguarding related rights and interests, providing feedbacks, and facilitating communication and coordination shall be improved.
      ——完善審計監督。健全有利于依法獨立行使審計監督權的審計管理體制,建立具有審計職業(yè)特點(diǎn)的審計人員管理制度,基本形成與國家治理體系和治理能力現代化相適應的審計監督機制。對公共資金、國有資產(chǎn)、國有資源和領(lǐng)導干部履行經(jīng)濟責任情況實(shí)行審計全覆蓋。-- Improving auditing supervision. The auditing management system conducive to exercising the right of auditing supervision independently and in accordance with the law shall be improved, and an auditing personnel management system with distinctive professional features shall be established, so as to form a system of auditing supervision commensurate to the modernization of a national governance system and capacity. Full coverage of auditing shall be endeavored over public funds, state-owned assets and resources, as well as leading officials' performance of economic duties.
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      三、特定群體權利III. Rights of Specific Groups
      采取有針對性的措施,有效滿(mǎn)足各類(lèi)群體的特殊需求,切實(shí)保障少數民族、婦女、兒童、老年人和殘疾人的合法權益。Targeted measures shall be taken to satisfy the special needs of various groups and to protect the lawful rights and interests of ethnic minorities, women, children, elderly people and the disabled.
      (一)少數民族權利(1) Rights of ethnic minorities
      國家把加快少數民族和民族地區發(fā)展擺到更加突出的位置,尊重和保障少數民族權利。The state will prioritize the development of ethnic minorities and ethnic-minority areas, respecting and protecting the rights of ethnic minorities.
      ——保障少數民族平等參與管理國家和社會(huì )事務(wù)的權利。提高少數民族參政議政能力。保證在中央和地方國家權力機關(guān)、行政機關(guān)、審判機關(guān)和檢察機關(guān)都有相應數量的少數民族成員。加強少數民族公務(wù)員隊伍建設,對少數民族公民報考公務(wù)員依法給予照顧。-- The right of ethnic minorities to participate in the management of state and social affairs on an equal footing shall be guaranteed by the state. Their ability to participate in the deliberation and administration of state affairs shall be improved. The state will make sure that minority groups have a proportionate number of representatives in organs of state power and administrative, judicial and procuratorate organs at both the central and local levels. It will improve the work to build up the ranks of ethnic-minority civil servants, and ethnic-minority citizens shall enjoy favorable treatment in accordance with the law when they take the national civil service examination.
      ——保障少數民族經(jīng)濟發(fā)展權利。促進(jìn)少數民族事業(yè)發(fā)展,加大財政投入和金融支持,改善基礎設施條件,支持民族地區發(fā)展優(yōu)勢產(chǎn)業(yè)和特色經(jīng)濟,確保到2020年在民族地區基本消除絕對貧困現象,持續促進(jìn)民族地區經(jīng)濟發(fā)展主要指標增速高于全國平均水平。-- The right of ethnic minorities to economic development shall be guaranteed. The state will continue to help boost the economy of ethnic-minority areas by increasing budgetary input and financial aid, improving infrastructure and supporting competitive industries and economic endeavors with distinctive features of minority areas, to see to it that absolute poverty in these areas shall be basically eliminated by 2020 and that the major indicators of economic development of these areas shall be higher than the national average.
      ——保障少數民族均等享有公共服務(wù)的權利。推動(dòng)國家公共服務(wù)資源向民族自治地方傾斜。加強跨省區對口支援和對口幫扶工作,進(jìn)一步縮小民族自治地方的城鄉居民收入、義務(wù)教育、醫療衛生、社會(huì )保障與全國平均水平的差距。-- The right of ethnic minorities to enjoy equal access to public services shall be guaranteed. Efforts shall be made to channel public service resources to the ethnic autonomous areas, and strengthen trans-provincial/regional pair-up assistance to further narrow the gaps in the incomes of urban and rural residents, as well as in compulsory education, medical care, and social security between ethnic autonomous areas and the national average.
      ——保障少數民族受教育權利。繼續推動(dòng)公共教育資源向民族地區傾斜,深入推進(jìn)教育對口支援。支持民族地區義務(wù)教育學(xué)校標準化建設,到2020年基本實(shí)現縣域內義務(wù)教育均衡發(fā)展。為民族地區培養輸送農村教師。適當提高東中部省市職業(yè)院校招收民族地區學(xué)生的比例。繼續辦好內地民族班。重視培養和使用各類(lèi)少數民族人才。-- The right of ethnic minorities to education shall be guaranteed. Efforts shall be made continuously to transfer more public education resources to ethnic-minority areas and strengthen pair-up assistance in education; to support ethnic-minority areas in standardized construction of compulsory-education schools, so as to realize the balanced development of compulsory education in each county by 2020; and to help ethnic-minority areas train teachers who will go and work in the rural areas. The proportion of students enrolled from ethnic-minority areas to vocational schools in central and eastern provinces and cities shall be raised appropriately. Renewed efforts shall be made to run well special classes for ethnic-minority students in hinterland areas. Importance shall be attached to the training and utilization of skilled people of ethnic minority origin in all professions.
      ——尊重和保障少數民族學(xué)習使用和發(fā)展本民族語(yǔ)言文字的權利。不斷提高少數民族語(yǔ)言文字教育水平,在民族地區加強雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)。保障少數民族公民使用本民族語(yǔ)言文字進(jìn)行訴訟的權利。-- The right of ethnic minorities to learn, use and develop their own spoken and written languages shall be respected and guaranteed. The language education level of ethnic minorities is constantly being raised and bilingual teaching increased in ethnic-minority areas. Their right to litigate in their own languages is protected.
      ——保障少數民族的文化權利。保護和傳承少數民族傳統文化,做好少數民族古籍保護、搶救、整理、出版和研究工作。加強少數民族文藝作品創(chuàng )作生產(chǎn),鼓勵和扶持反映各民族文化交融、創(chuàng )新的現實(shí)題材作品。加大民族地區特色文化產(chǎn)業(yè)扶持力度。-- The cultural rights of ethnic minorities shall be guaranteed. The state shall protect and pass on the traditional culture of ethnic minorities, and step up efforts to protect, rescue, sort out, publish and research ancient books of ethnic minorities. It shall encourage the creation of literary works of ethnic minorities, and support innovative realistic works featuring integration of ethnic cultures. It shall increase support for the ethnic-culture industry with distinctive features.
      ——修改城市民族工作條例,保障城市中少數民族合法權益。-- Urban work regulations concerning ethnic minorities shall be revised to protect the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic minorities in urban areas.
      (二)婦女權利(2) Rights of women
      貫徹落實(shí)男女平等基本國策,全面實(shí)現《中國婦女發(fā)展綱要(2011-2020年)》目標,消除性別歧視,改善婦女發(fā)展環(huán)境,保障婦女合法權益。The basic state policy of equality of men and women shall be implemented. Objectives set in the National Program for Women's Development (2011-2020) shall be realized to eliminate gender discrimination, improve the environment for women's development and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women.
      ——繼續促進(jìn)婦女平等參與管理國家和社會(huì )事務(wù)。逐步提高女性在各級人大代表、政協(xié)委員中的比例,以及在各級人大、政府、政協(xié)領(lǐng)導成員中的比例。到2020年,村民委員會(huì )成員中女性比例達30%以上,村民委員會(huì )主任中女性比例達10%以上,居民委員會(huì )成員中女性比例保持在50%左右。-- Efforts shall be carried on to promote equal participation of women in the management of state and social affairs. The proportion of women delegates to the people's congresses and CPPCC committees at all levels shall be gradually increased, so shall the proportion of women in the leadership of the people's congresses, governments and CPPCC committees at all levels. By 2020, women members shall make up over 30 percent of total members of villagers' committees, over 10 percent of the villagers' committee chairpersons, and about 50 percent of the members of urban residents' committees.
      ——努力消除在就業(yè)、薪酬、職業(yè)發(fā)展方面的性別歧視。將女職工特殊勞動(dòng)保護作為勞動(dòng)保障監察和勞動(dòng)安全監督的重要內容,實(shí)行年度考核。-- Efforts shall be made to eliminate gender discrimination in employment, payment and career development. Special labor protection for women workers shall be made an important content in labor security and safety supervision. Annual assessment shall be conducted in this regard.
      ——保障婦女的健康權利。完善城鄉生育保障制度,向孕產(chǎn)婦提供生育全過(guò)程的基本醫療保健服務(wù)。到2020年,孕產(chǎn)婦死亡率降為18/10萬(wàn),新增產(chǎn)床8.9萬(wàn)張,力爭增加產(chǎn)科醫生和助產(chǎn)士14萬(wàn)名。提高婦女常見(jiàn)病篩查率,擴大農村婦女宮頸癌、乳腺癌免費檢查覆蓋范圍。加強流動(dòng)婦女衛生保健服務(wù)。-- Women's right to health shall be protected. Efforts shall be made to improve the maternity service system in urban and rural areas, and provide basic medical and health services for pregnant and lying-in women. By 2020, the mortality rate of pregnant and lying-in women shall drop to 18 per 100,000; an additional 89,000 obstetric tables and 140,000 obstetricians and midwives be added. The screening of common gynecological diseases shall be raised, and the scope of free check-ups for cervical and breast cancers be expanded for rural women. Health-care services for migrant women shall be improved.
      ——保障婦女的婚姻家庭權利。設立男性職工帶薪陪護分娩妻子的假期制度。大力發(fā)展針對0-3歲幼兒的托幼機構,為婦女平衡工作與家庭提供支持。保障婦女在婚姻家庭中的財產(chǎn)權益。-- Women's rights of marriage and the family shall be protected. A system of paid maternity leave for male workers to accompany and attend to puerperal wives shall be introduced. Great efforts shall be made to develop nurseries for kids under three years old to help women balance work and family duties. Women' s property rights and interests in marriage and the family shall be protected.
      ——貫徹落實(shí)反家庭暴力法。完善預防和制止家庭暴力多部門(mén)合作機制,以及預防、制止和救助一體化工作機制。鼓勵和扶持社會(huì )組織參與反家庭暴力工作。-- The Anti-Domestic Violence Law shall be enforced. The multi-departmental cooperative mechanism for the prevention and prohibition of domestic violence shall be improved, so shall an integrated working mechanism that combines prevention, prohibition and assistance. Social organizations shall be encouraged and helped to take part in the work against domestic violence.
      ——落實(shí)《中國反對拐賣(mài)人口行動(dòng)計劃(2013-2020年)》,有效預防和依法打擊拐賣(mài)婦女犯罪行為。-- China's Action Plan Against Human Abduction and Trafficking (2013-2020) shall be implemented and effective efforts shall be made to prevent and crack down on such crimes in accordance with the law.
      ——預防和制止針對婦女的性騷擾。-- Steps shall be taken to prevent and stop sexual harassment of women.
      (三)兒童權利(3) Rights of children
      堅持兒童優(yōu)先原則,強化政府和社會(huì )保障兒童權益的責任,全面實(shí)現《中國兒童發(fā)展綱要(2011-2020年)》目標。The principle of "putting children first" shall be upheld, the responsibility of the government and the whole of society for the protection of children' s rights and interests shall be highlighted, and the goals set in the National Program for Children' s Development in China (2011-2020) shall be fully realized.
      ——修改未成年人保護法。-- The Law on the Protection of Minors shall be amended.
      ——完善兒童監護制度。構建未成年人關(guān)愛(ài)社會(huì )網(wǎng)絡(luò )。逐步建立以家庭監護為主體,以社區、學(xué)校等有關(guān)單位和人員監督為保障,以國家監護為補充的監護制度。完善并落實(shí)不履行監護職責或嚴重侵害被監護兒童權益的父母或其他監護人資格撤銷(xiāo)的法律制度。-- The children guardianship system shall be improved, and a social network for the care of minors shall be established. A guardianship system, which is based on family guardianship, guaranteed by supervision of relevant institutions and persons such as the neighborhood and school, and supplemented by state guardianship, shall be established in due course. The legal system shall be improved to remove the guardianship status of parents or other custodians who fail to perform their responsibilities or seriously infringe upon the rights and interests of children under their guardianship.
      ——保障兒童健康權。加強出生缺陷綜合防治,建立覆蓋城鄉居民,涵蓋孕前、孕期、新生兒各階段的出生缺陷防治服務(wù)制度。加強兒童疾病防治和預防傷害,到2020年,嬰兒死亡率、5歲以下兒童死亡率分別控制在7.5‰和9.5‰以?xún)?。納入國家免疫規劃的疫苗接種率以鄉(鎮)為單位保持在95%以上。繼續推行農村義務(wù)教育學(xué)生營(yíng)養改善計劃。強化學(xué)校體育工作,不斷提升學(xué)生體質(zhì)健康水平。加強未成年人心理健康引導。-- Children's right to health shall be effectively protected. The state shall establish a service system to prevent and treat birth defects, covering the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and neonatal stages, and accessible to both urban and rural residents. The state shall also enhance the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases and injuries. By 2020 the mortality rate of infants and kids under the age of five shall be no higher than 7.5 per 1,000 and 9.5 per 1,000, respectively. The vaccination rate under the national immunization program, calculated by taking the rural township as the basic unit, shall be kept above 95 percent. The nutrition-enhancement program for students receiving compulsory education in rural areas shall be carried on. Physical education in schools shall be given great priority in order to constantly improve the students' physical health. More guidance shall be given to improve the mental health of minors.
      ——加強兒童財產(chǎn)權益保護。依法保障兒童的財產(chǎn)收益權和獲贈權、知識產(chǎn)權、繼承權、一定權限內獨立的財產(chǎn)支配權。-- Protection of children's rights and interests in property shall be improved. Protection shall be extended, in accordance with the law, to the children' s rights to proceeds generated by property, bequests, intellectual property right, right of inheritance, and independent right of property dominion within certain limits.
      ——加強校園及周邊社會(huì )治安綜合治理,加強校車(chē)安全管理,預防和制止校園暴力。-- Comprehensive maintenance of public security on and around school premises shall be strengthened, school bus safety management shall be enhanced, and violence on campus shall be prevented and stopped.
      ——創(chuàng )造有利于兒童參與的社會(huì )環(huán)境。鼓勵并支持兒童參與家庭、學(xué)校和社會(huì )事務(wù),暢通兒童參與和表達渠道。-- A social environment conducive to the involvement of children shall be created. Encouragement and support shall be given to children to participate in family, school and social affairs, and channels shall be opened up for children to get involved and express themselves.
      ——保障兒童享有閑暇和娛樂(lè )的權利。加強社區兒童活動(dòng)和服務(wù)場(chǎng)所建設,到2020年,“兒童之家”覆蓋90%以上的城鄉社區。確保街道和鄉鎮配備1名以上專(zhuān)職或者兼職兒童社會(huì )工作者。標本兼治減輕學(xué)生課業(yè)負擔。-- Children's right to leisure and recreation shall be guaranteed. Efforts shall be enhanced in the construction of facilities for children's activities and services in communities. By 2020 there will be "children's homes" in over 90 percent of urban and rural communities. At least one full-time or part-time social worker in relation to children shall be employed in each urban sub-district and rural township. The schoolwork load shall be lessened by addressing both the root cause and symptoms.
      ——關(guān)愛(ài)困境兒童。全面構建覆蓋市、縣、鄉鎮(街道)、社區四級兒童福利保障和服務(wù)體系,實(shí)施縣級兒童福利機構和未成年人保護機構建設規劃。健全困境兒童保障制度。進(jìn)一步完善孤兒保障制度。提高受艾滋病影響兒童和服刑人員未滿(mǎn)18周歲子女的生活、受教育、醫療等權利保障水平。加大對農村留守兒童的關(guān)愛(ài)保護力度。-- Deprived children shall be taken care of. Children's welfare and service systems at city, county, township (sub-district) and community levels shall be established, in addition to the implementation of a plan for the construction of children's welfare institutions and institutions for the protection of minors at the county level. The system of welfare for deprived children shall be improved. The security system for orphans shall be perfected. The level of guarantee for the rights to life, education, health care and other rights of AIDS-affected children and prisoners' children under 18 years old shall be improved. Greater protection and care shall be extended to children of migrant workers left behind in the countryside.
      ——建立兒童暴力傷害的監測預防、發(fā)現報告、調查評估、處置、救助工作運行機制。依法打擊拐賣(mài)、虐待、遺棄兒童,利用兒童進(jìn)行乞討,以及針對兒童的一切形式的性侵犯等違法犯罪行為。嚴厲懲處使用童工和對兒童進(jìn)行經(jīng)濟剝削的違法行為。-- A working mechanism against violence to children shall be in place, which will prevent, monitor, report, investigate, evaluate, and handle cases of violence to children and provide necessary assistance. Great store shall be set on punishing the abduction, maltreatment and abandonment of children, forcing children into begging and other illegal criminal activities, including all forms of sexual abuse of children. Severe punishments shall be meted out to criminal activities, such as employment of child labor and exploitation of children.
      ——最大限度地降低未成年犯罪嫌疑人的批捕率、起訴率和監禁率。改革少年審判和家事審判工作制度,建立兒童司法保護和行政保護銜接機制。繼續做好犯罪未成年人社區矯正工作。-- Every attention shall be paid to reducing the number of arrest, prosecution and imprisonment of juvenile suspects. Reform shall be made of the working mechanism in relation to the trial of minors and children-related family cases, and a mechanism shall be established to link up judicial and administrative protection of children. Efforts shall be made to do well in community-based correction of juvenile delinquents.
      (四)老年人權利(4) Rights of the elderly
      弘揚敬老養老助老社會(huì )風(fēng)尚,實(shí)施老齡互助關(guān)愛(ài)工程,構建人口老齡化應對體系,切實(shí)維護老年人合法權益。The social value to respect, provide for and help the elderly shall be carried forward, and mutual care projects for the elderly shall be undertaken. A mechanism to address population ageing shall be developed to effectively protect the legal rights and interests of elderly people.
      ——全面建成以居家為基礎、社區為依托、機構為補充,功能完善、規模適度、覆蓋城鄉、醫養結合的養老服務(wù)體系。全面放開(kāi)養老服務(wù)市場(chǎng),通過(guò)購買(mǎi)服務(wù)、股權合作等方式支持各類(lèi)市場(chǎng)主體增加養老服務(wù)和產(chǎn)品供給。到2020年,養老服務(wù)設施覆蓋90%以上城鎮社區和60%以上農村社區。-- An old-age service system, which is based on individual families, backed by the communities, supplemented by different institutions, boasts a more complete range of functions, is of an appropriate scale, covers both urban and rural areas and combines medical treatment with endowment care, shall be established. The old-age service market shall be open fully, and various market players shall be encouraged to increase the provision of old-age services and products by multiple means such as buying services and equity cooperation. By 2020 the old-age service facilities shall appear in over 90 percent of urban communities and 60 percent of rural communities.
      ——健全防治結合、多元發(fā)展的老年醫療衛生服務(wù)體系,提高老年人健康服務(wù)可及性和老年人健康管理率。-- A system of old-age medical care service combining prevention with treatment and boasting diversified development shall be improved. The accessibility of health care services to the elderly and their health management rate shall be improved.
      ——建立完善老年人監護制度。-- A guardianship system for the elderly shall be set up and improved.
      ——加強老年人優(yōu)待工作,完善老年人社會(huì )福利制度和救助制度。全面建立針對經(jīng)濟困難高齡、失能老年人的補貼制度。-- Preferential treatment for the elderly shall be strengthened, and the social welfare system and assistance system geared toward the elderly shall be improved. A subsidy system for the elderly advanced in age, in straitened circumstances, and incapacitated shall be put in full shape.
      ——建立健全老年宜居環(huán)境政策法規和標準規范體系。繼續提高新建公共設施和涉老設施無(wú)障礙率,推進(jìn)老年宜居環(huán)境建設。-- Policies, regulations and normative standards in relation to livable environment for elderly people shall be established and improved. Continuous efforts shall be made to increase the barrier-free rate in newly-built public facilities and facilities geared toward elderly people, and press forward with the development of an environment friendly to the elderly people.
      ——推進(jìn)服務(wù)老年人的公共文化設施建設。繼續擴大公共文化機構向老年人免費開(kāi)放項目,增加老年人公共文化產(chǎn)品供給。-- Efforts shall be made to forge ahead with the construction of public cultural facilities for the elderly, and encourage public cultural institutions to make more free programs available to elderly people and to increase the supply of public cultural products to this group.
      ——加強社區養老服務(wù)設施與社區體育設施的功能銜接。支持社區利用公共服務(wù)設施和社會(huì )場(chǎng)所組織開(kāi)展適合老年人的體育健身活動(dòng)。-- Efforts shall be made to integrate the functions of community old-age service facilities with those of sports facilities, encouraging communities to organize physical activities appropriate for the elderly by using public service facilities and other venues.
      ——大力支持老年社會(huì )組織發(fā)展。進(jìn)一步擴大基層老年協(xié)會(huì )在城鄉社區的覆蓋率,提高老年人參與社會(huì )發(fā)展的意愿與程度。-- Greater encouragement shall be given to the development of social organizations for elderly people, the coverage of grassroots elderly people' s associations shall be further expanded in urban and rural communities, and their will and level of participation in social development shall be enhanced.
      (五)殘疾人權利(5) Rights of the disabled
      健全殘疾人權益保障制度,提高殘疾人社會(huì )保障和基本公共服務(wù)水平,促進(jìn)殘疾人平等參與社會(huì )生活,保障所有殘疾人的人權。The system of the protection of the rights and interests of the disabled shall be improved, the level of social security and basic public services for the disabled shall be raised, and efforts shall be made to bring them more opportunities to participate in social life on an equal footing and protect their human rights.
      ——全面實(shí)施困難殘疾人生活補貼和重度殘疾人護理補貼制度。符合條件的殘疾人家庭以及生活困難靠家庭供養且無(wú)法單獨立戶(hù)的成年無(wú)業(yè)重度殘疾人按規定納入最低生活保障。逐步擴大基本醫療保險支付的醫療康復項目范圍。建立殘疾兒童康復救助制度。有條件的地方可以為貧困、重度殘疾人基本型輔助器具配置給予補貼。優(yōu)先保障殘疾人基本住房。實(shí)現殘疾人基本民生兜底保障。-- A system shall be fully implemented to provide living allowances to financially-challenged disabled people and nursing allowances to the severely disabled population. Families with disabled members that meet certain requirements, and the jobless and severely disabled adults who rely on their families for support are eligible for subsistence allowances. More medical rehabilitation services shall be brought into the scope of basic medical insurance. A system shall be established to provide rehabilitation and assistance to disabled children. Places where the conditions permit shall subsidize the financially-challenged and severely disabled people in their purchase of basic assistance devices. The basic housing needs of the disabled shall be first guaranteed. Break-even security shall be offered for the basic livelihood of the disabled.
      ——開(kāi)展殘疾人康復服務(wù)。制定實(shí)施《殘疾預防和殘疾人康復條例》。為殘疾人提供基本康復服務(wù),以殘疾兒童和持證殘疾人為重點(diǎn),實(shí)施精準康復服務(wù)。加強省、市、縣級殘疾人專(zhuān)業(yè)康復機構建設,支持二級綜合醫院轉型建立以康復醫療為主的綜合醫院或康復醫院,建立醫療機構與殘疾人專(zhuān)業(yè)康復機構雙向轉診制度。廣泛開(kāi)展殘疾人社區康復。建設康復大學(xué),培養康復專(zhuān)業(yè)技術(shù)人才。-- The state shall carry out rehabilitation services for the disabled. It shall promulgate and put into force the Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation. Basic and targeted rehabilitation services shall be provided to the disabled, with the focus on disabled children and the identified disabled population. The development of professional rehabilitation institutions at provincial, city and county levels shall be improved. The state shall support second-grade general hospitals in their efforts to transform themselves into general hospitals mainly focusing on rehabilitation treatment or specialized rehabilitation hospitals. A two-way referral system shall be set up between medical institutions and specialized rehabilitation institutions for the disabled. Community-based rehabilitation services for the disabled shall be extensively carried out. The state shall build rehabilitation colleges to train professional rehabilitation personnel.
      ——推進(jìn)精神障礙患者社區康復服務(wù)。到2020年,基本實(shí)現每個(gè)地級市擁有1所精神衛生社會(huì )福利機構,70%以上的縣(市、區)設有精神障礙社區康復機構或通過(guò)政府購買(mǎi)服務(wù)等方式委托社會(huì )組織開(kāi)展康復工作。-- Community-based rehabilitation services shall be promoted for mental patients. By 2020 there will be one mental health social welfare center at each prefecture-level city, over 70 percent of counties (cities and districts) will have a community-based rehabilitation institution for mental disorders or entrust social organizations to carry out rehabilitation services through services purchased by the government.
      ——提升殘疾人受教育水平。完善特殊教育學(xué)校布局,健全隨班就讀支持保障體系,努力為殘疾兒童提供全納教育,提供包括義務(wù)教育和高中階段教育在內的12年免費教育,建立為不能到校學(xué)習的重度殘疾兒童送教上門(mén)服務(wù)的制度。-- The education level of the disabled shall be raised. Improvement shall be made of the planning and distribution of special education schools, as well as the support system that enables children with disabilities to study in regular classes, so as to provide inclusive education for them, i.e., 12-year free education covering nine-year compulsory education and three-year high-school education. A system shall be established in which home teaching is offered to severely disabled children.
      ——完善殘疾人就業(yè)創(chuàng )業(yè)扶持政策,健全公共機構為殘疾人提供就業(yè)崗位制度。加大對殘疾人自主創(chuàng )業(yè)、靈活就業(yè)、輔助性就業(yè)、網(wǎng)絡(luò )就業(yè)的政策扶持力度。加強殘疾人就業(yè)培訓與服務(wù),為中西部地區50萬(wàn)名農村貧困殘疾人提供實(shí)用技術(shù)培訓,實(shí)現城鎮新增50萬(wàn)殘疾人就業(yè)。-- Policies to support the disabled to find jobs and start up businesses shall be improved, so shall the system of providing jobs for the disabled by public institutions. Policy support shall be strengthened to the disabled in starting up their own businesses, or getting jobs in flexible ways, getting supported employment or getting Internet-based employment. Efforts shall be intensified to strengthen employment training and services for the disabled, providing practical technical training to 500,000 impoverished disabled people in the rural areas of central and western China, and ensuring that an additional 500,000 disabled people get employed in the urban areas.
      ——加強殘疾人文化權益保障。增加在公共文化場(chǎng)所配備適合殘疾人使用的文化娛樂(lè )器材。有條件的公共圖書(shū)館全部設置盲人閱覽區域或閱覽室。鼓勵盲用讀物和殘疾人題材圖書(shū)出版。實(shí)施《國家手語(yǔ)和盲文規范化行動(dòng)計劃(2015-2020年)》。-- Protection of cultural rights and interests of the disabled shall be strengthened. Efforts shall be made to beef up investment in cultural and entertainment equipment appropriate for the disabled in the public cultural centers. Public libraries where conditions permit shall all have reading areas or reading rooms for the disabled. The publication of reading materials for the visually handicapped and books about the disabled people shall be encouraged. The National Sign Language and Braille Standardization Action Plan (2015-2020) shall be implemented.
      ——全面推進(jìn)無(wú)障礙環(huán)境建設。確保新(改、擴)建道路、建筑物和居住區配套建設無(wú)障礙設施,推進(jìn)已建設施無(wú)障礙改造。加強政府和公共服務(wù)機構網(wǎng)站無(wú)障礙改造,推動(dòng)食品藥品信息識別無(wú)障礙和影視節目加配字幕、手語(yǔ),促進(jìn)電信業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營(yíng)者、電子商務(wù)企業(yè)等為殘疾人提供信息無(wú)障礙服務(wù)。進(jìn)一步完善殘疾人駕車(chē)服務(wù)措施。加大貧困重度殘疾人家庭無(wú)障礙改造工作力度。-- All-round endeavor shall be made in the building of barrier-free environments for the disabled. Barrier-free facilities shall be constructed on newly-built (renovated or expanded) roads, and in buildings and residential districts, or be added to exiting facilities. Renovation shall be carried out to make barrier-free facilities available in the websites of government and public service agencies, make food and drug information identifiable without obstruction, add subtitles or sign language to movies and TV programs, and urge telecommunication service operators and e-commerce enterprises to provide barrier-free information to the disabled. Measures shall be taken to improve the driving experience of the disabled. In addition, efforts shall be stepped up to carry out renovation of barrier-free facilities for impoverished families with members suffering from severe disabilities.
      ——完善殘疾人獲得法律援助、法律服務(wù)和司法救助制度。嚴厲打擊侵犯殘疾人合法權益的違法犯罪行為。暢通殘疾人群體的利益表達渠道。-- The system by which the disabled get legal aid and services and judicial relief shall be improved. Illegal or criminal activities encroaching upon their legitimate rights and interests shall be seriously dealt with. Channels through which the disabled make their voices heard about their rights and interests shall be smoothed out.
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      四、人權教育和研究IV. Human Rights Education and Research
      加大人權教育與培訓力度,提高全社會(huì )人權意識;搭建人權研究平臺,為人權事業(yè)發(fā)展提供智力支持。China shall intensify its efforts to promote human rights education and training, and to enhance the public's awareness of the importance of human rights. It shall set up a human rights research platform to provide intellectual support for the cause of human rights.
      ——落實(shí)《關(guān)于完善國家工作人員學(xué)法用法制度的意見(jiàn)》,把人權教育作為加強國家工作人員學(xué)法用法工作重要內容。將人權知識納入黨委(黨組)的學(xué)習內容,列入各級黨校、干部學(xué)院、行政學(xué)院的課程體系,列為法官、檢察官、警察等公職人員入職、培訓必修課。-- China shall implement the Opinions on Improving the System of Study and Use of the Law of State Functionaries, and make human rights education a key part of the work of enhancing the performance of state functionaries in this regard. The state shall include human rights knowledge in the education of Party committees (leading Party groups). It shall make human rights part of the curricula of Party schools, cadre colleges and administration institutes at all levels, and a required course for government employees, including judges, prosecutors and police officers, at the beginning of their careers or during training.
      ——把人權知識納入國民教育內容。以靈活多樣的形式將人權知識融入中小學(xué)教育教學(xué)活動(dòng)中。面向幼兒教師、中小學(xué)教師開(kāi)展人權知識培訓。-- China shall include human rights knowledge in the content of national education. The state shall make sure that human rights knowledge is integrated into the teaching activities of elementary and middle schools in flexible and diverse ways. It shall also provide human rights training for preschool, and elementary and secondary school teachers.
      ——繼續支持高校開(kāi)展人權通識教育,進(jìn)一步加強人權方面的學(xué)科和方向研究生的招生和培養。提升高校、科研院所開(kāi)展人權重大理論與實(shí)踐問(wèn)題研究的能力,設立人權理論研究國家科研專(zhuān)項。-- China shall continue to support education in human rights in institutions of higher learning. The state shall further strengthen the development of human rights-related disciplines, and postgraduate enrollment and training. It shall improve the abilities of institutions of higher learning and research institutes to carry out studies on important theories and practical problems concerning human rights, and establish a national scientific research project on human rights theories.
      ——支持和鼓勵企事業(yè)單位加強人權教育、培訓,培育人權文化,在境內外投資中將尊重和保障人權作為決策的重要考慮因素。-- China shall support and encourage the enhancement of human rights education and training in enterprises and public institutions. The state shall develop a human rights culture, and take respecting and guaranteeing human rights as an important factor in decisions concerning both domestic and foreign investment.
      ——規范國家人權教育與培訓基地工作。到2020年,再增加5家人權教育與培訓基地。規范基地管理,創(chuàng )新基地運作模式,加強人才隊伍建設,加大資金投入,建設中國特色新型高端人權智庫。-- China shall standardize the work of national human rights education and training bases. It plans to add five bases to the current ones by 2020. The state shall standardize management and make innovations in the operation mode of these bases. It shall train more personnel and invest more money in building a new-type and high-end human rights think tank with Chinese characteristics.
      ——開(kāi)展設立國家人權機構必要性與可行性研究。-- China shall study the necessity and feasibility of establishing a national human rights institution.
      ——支持新聞和網(wǎng)絡(luò )媒體設立人權專(zhuān)題頻道或欄目,普及人權知識,傳播人權理念。-- China shall support the opening of special channels or columns on human rights by news media to publicize human rights knowledge and raise awareness.
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      五、人權條約履行和國際交流合作V. Fulfillment of Obligations to Human Rights Conventions, and International Exchanges and Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights
      認真履行已參加的國際人權條約,積極推進(jìn)國際人權交流與合作。China shall continue to earnestly fulfill its obligations to the international human rights conventions to which it has acceded, and actively conduct international exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights.
      ——撰寫(xiě)《經(jīng)濟社會(huì )文化權利國際公約》第三次履約報告,并提交聯(lián)合國經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )和文化權利委員會(huì )審議。-- China shall complete the third report on implementing the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and submit it to the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights for consideration.
      ——撰寫(xiě)《禁止酷刑和其他殘忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或處罰公約》第七次履約報告,并提交聯(lián)合國禁止酷刑委員會(huì )審議。-- China shall complete the seventh report on implementing the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, and submit it to the United Nations Committee Against Torture for consideration.
      ——撰寫(xiě)《消除一切形式種族歧視國際公約》第十四次至第十七次合并履約報告,并提交聯(lián)合國消除種族歧視委員會(huì )審議。-- China shall complete the 14th-17th combined report on implementing the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and submit it to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination for consideration.
      ——撰寫(xiě)《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》第九次履約報告,并提交聯(lián)合國消除對婦女歧視委員會(huì )審議。-- China shall complete the ninth report on implementing the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and submit it to the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women for consideration.
      ——撰寫(xiě)《兒童權利公約》第五次履約報告,包括《〈兒童權利公約〉關(guān)于買(mǎi)賣(mài)兒童、兒童賣(mài)淫和兒童色情制品問(wèn)題的任擇議定書(shū)》《〈兒童權利公約〉關(guān)于兒童卷入武裝沖突問(wèn)題的任擇議定書(shū)》相關(guān)內容,并提交聯(lián)合國兒童權利委員會(huì )審議。-- China shall complete the fifth report on implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child, including the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict, and submit it to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child for consideration.
      ——撰寫(xiě)《殘疾人權利公約》第二次履約報告,并提交聯(lián)合國殘疾人權利委員會(huì )審議。-- China shall complete the second report on implementing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and submit it to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for consideration.
      ——繼續推進(jìn)相關(guān)法律準備工作, 為批準《公民及政治權利國際公約》創(chuàng )造條件。-- China shall continue to advance related legal preparations and pave the way for ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
      ——全面參與聯(lián)合國人權機制工作,推動(dòng)聯(lián)合國人權理事會(huì )等機制同等重視經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )、文化權利和公民、政治權利,以公正、客觀(guān)和非選擇性方式開(kāi)展工作。-- China shall fully participate in the work of the UN' s human rights mechanisms, and promote the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) and other mechanisms to attach equal importance to economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights, and function in a fair, objective and non-selective manner.
      ——認真落實(shí)中國在人權理事會(huì )第一輪、第二輪國別人權審查中接受的建議,積極參與第三輪國別人權審查。-- China shall implement the related proposals offered during the HRC's first- and second-round Universal Periodic Review for China, and is actively participating in the third round.
      ——與人權理事會(huì )特別機制開(kāi)展合作。認真答復特別機制來(lái)函。根據接待能力,邀請有關(guān)特別機制訪(fǎng)華。繼續推薦中國專(zhuān)家競聘特別機制。-- China shall cooperate with the Special Procedures of the HRC, answer letters from it, and invite representatives of that body to visit China, as appropriate. China will continue to recommend Chinese experts for the posts in the Special Procedures.
      ——與聯(lián)合國人權高級專(zhuān)員辦公室開(kāi)展交流與合作。-- China shall conduct exchanges and cooperation with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
      ——在平等和相互尊重基礎上與有關(guān)國家開(kāi)展人權對話(huà)。加強與金磚國家、發(fā)展中國家、發(fā)展中國家集團人權磋商與合作,向有需要的發(fā)展中國家提供人權技術(shù)援助。-- China shall hold dialogues on human rights with relevant countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect. It shall also increase consultation and cooperation on human rights with the other four BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa), developing countries and the G77 (group of developing nations), and provide technical assistance in human rights field demanded by other developing countries.
      ——參與亞歐非正式人權研討會(huì )等區域、次區域人權交流活動(dòng)。主辦2016年亞歐非正式人權研討會(huì )。辦好北京人權論壇、中歐人權研討會(huì )、中德人權研討會(huì )、中美司法與人權研討會(huì )。-- China shall participate in the Informal Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Seminar on Human Rights and other regional and sub-regional activities on human rights. In 2016 China will host the 16th Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights. It shall make due contribution to the holding of Beijing Forum on Human Rights, Sino-European Forum on Human Rights, Sino-German Human Rights Dialogue and Sino-American Dialogue on Rule of Law and Human Rights.
      ——推動(dòng)中國海外企業(yè)在對外經(jīng)貿合作、援助、投資中遵守駐在國法律,履行社會(huì )責任。-- China shall urge its overseas enterprises to abide by the laws of the countries in which they are stationed, and fulfill their social responsibilities in the process of conducting foreign economic and trade cooperation, providing assistance and making investment.
      ——支持和推動(dòng)民間組織參與國際人權交流與合作,為推動(dòng)國際人權事業(yè)健康發(fā)展作出民間貢獻。-- China shall support and promote the participation of non-governmental organizations in international exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights to make their contributions to the healthy development of human rights around the world.
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      六、實(shí)施和監督VI. Implementation and Supervision
      完善國家人權行動(dòng)計劃聯(lián)席會(huì )議機制, 加強對《行動(dòng)計劃》實(shí)施的監督和評估工作,全方位、多層次保障《行動(dòng)計劃》的落實(shí)。China shall improve the joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Plan, and improve supervision and assessment of the implementation of the Action Plan, so as to ensure its implementation in various fields and at different levels.
      ——各級地方政府、中央和國家機關(guān)各有關(guān)部門(mén)應結合各地區特點(diǎn)和各部門(mén)工作職責,制定《行動(dòng)計劃》實(shí)施方案,確?!缎袆?dòng)計劃》各項目標任務(wù)順利完成。-- The local governments at all levels and related departments of the state organs shall work out detailed measures for the implementation of the Action Plan in accordance with their respective functions and regional characteristics, so as to ensure the successful fulfillment of all its objectives and tasks.
      ——國家人權行動(dòng)計劃聯(lián)席會(huì )議機制開(kāi)展階段性調研、檢查和評估,引入第三方評估機制,及時(shí)公布評估報告。-- The joint meeting mechanism for the National Human Rights Action Plan shall conduct phased research, inspection and assessment, introduce a third-party assessment mechanism, and release the assessment report in a timely fashion.
      ——尊重人民主體地位,創(chuàng )新社會(huì )治理機制,發(fā)揮社會(huì )組織在實(shí)施《行動(dòng)計劃》過(guò)程中的建設性作用。-- We shall respect the people' s dominant role, make innovations in social governance mechanisms, and give full play to the constructive role of social organizations in implementing the Action Plan.
      ——將《行動(dòng)計劃》作為人權培訓的重要內容,使各級黨政干部充分認識實(shí)施《行動(dòng)計劃》的重要性。-- We shall take the Action Plan as a major component of our human rights training, so that Party and government cadres at all levels fully comprehend the importance of implementing the Action Plan.

      -- We shall encourage the news media to cover the contents of the Action Plan in an extensive way, and act as supervisors for its implementation.


      (Source: Xinhua)

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